About the Staking category

Proof-of-Stake Validators

To discuss Harmony’s Proof-of-Stake topics, from new improvement proposals, staking reward model, epoch lengths, expected rewards, Harmony’s unique Effective Proof of Stake, or anything else.

This category shall be solely used as a space for New and Existing validators to introduce themselves, and gaining support from their peers.

Validator Pledge

Harmony’s Effective Proof-of-Stake Validators are the backbones of the Harmony infrastructure. I/We shall pledge to constantly run an up-to-date validator, promote a decentralized validator community, and use best practices of running a validator service.

I/We have read the Terms and Concepts in detail and fully understood its purpose, possess the know-how of running this service, and know the risk-rewards to run this service. I/We fully understand Harmony’s Definitive Guide to Harmony Open Staking