It's all about Milk & Honey

Hello ONE :blue_heart: fam!

This is my informal and unofficial official candidacy for the communityDAO.

Let me start with a few important facts 'bout me to help you make up ur mind to vote for me yes or no;

I am a devoted student of Winnie the Pooh, i drink a cup of oat milk with honey every night before sleeping, i sleep naked, walk mostly barefeet, i love to play hide and seek with the stars, meditate with the mountains o and yes i took the red pill.

The end.

with every ending something new starts and if i were to choose how the canvas would look like, it would have these colors: a universal basic income for everyone and a fair and trustful economy for billions.

Yours truly,
hole through the bagel. :pray: :blue_heart:


Thank you for submitting your candidacy :bagel:, we at @HarmonyCommunityDAO will form a channel for communication following the field closing, feel free to begin campaigning through Reddit, Twitter, Instagram or any media channels you wish to use, please remain visible during this week to allow for a smooth campaign.