Aurora / Near - Partnership between Aurora / Near and Harmony

Hi Jack,
Thanks for the prompt response.

  1. TheBoringDao Bridge is a two-way bridge that allows USDT, USDC, ETH among many other tokens to be crossed between 15 blockchains. They also provide asset-specific bridges (providing access to a specific asset from a foreign chain)
  2. The TVL of the bridge is about 5M
  3. These are the audit reports: Code Audit Reports - BoringDAO🌀
  4. As mentioned in my post, we believe establishing a bridge between both chains will benefit both chains by allowing for:
    -greater liquidity between different pair of tokens
    -more efficient cross-chain transactions.

Finite liquidity is fragmented between L1s, so there is a clear need to connect between chains to bring users interested in exploring both ecosystems