Ukrainian DAO - a community type of a DAO for the Ukrainian-speaking region

Hi @lij @frwrdslosh @nickv @dpagan-harmony

I’ve been interested in DAO direction for a long time, I’m a long-time follower of Harmony project and one of the active participants of Ukrainian community.

In conversations with my colleagues, I always cite Harmony as one of the most innovative and open blockchain projects in the world!

I am encouraged by the phrase of the founders of Harmony:

Harmony aims for open governance and vibrant participation of our ecosystem. Toward radical transparency, we aim to disclose the funding and the deliverables of the projects.

But today I’ve read two interesting documents, which question the very idea of Decentralized Autonomous Organizations in Harmony!

The first document - Ukrainian DAO - a community type of a DAO for the Ukrainian-speaking region, the second document - Ukrainian DAO - community elections for 3 governor positions Ukrainian DAO - Community elections for 3 Governor positions

What surprised me?

In the program of the future DAO it is written:

The backbone of the DAO will be its members. In the Ukrainian DAO, every member has the right to be visible, have their say, and contribute in any way they can.

But despite the beautiful words of the organizers, I have many questions:

  1. Ukrainian DAO is a community type of a DAO for the Ukrainian-speaking region, but from the beginning of its activity this project team did not hold an open discussion of the program and election mechanisms with the Ukrainian Harmony community in the Ukrainian section of the forum.

  2. Many of the top 6 governors (who are not elected by the community, but are appointed by default) I have never seen in the discussions on this forum (or 1-2 times).

  3. In the description of the competencies of the top 6 governors of the Ukrainian regional DAO, there are no links to media resources confirming their competencies and to their accounts in social networks. Ukrainian community has to take the word of strangers.

  4. The principle of self-appointment of Top 6 Governors contradicts the principles of decentralized management of the regional DAO, which consists of many active participants whose rights were not taken into account initially.

  5. The paragraph “The top 6 Governors will be retained and 3 Governors’ positions will be opened for election for the community members. The previous Governors can be re-elected” allows me to assume that these Governors have chosen themselves forever, regardless of their effectiveness and the results of their contribution to the development of the Ukrainian community in the future.

  6. The mechanism of citizenship verification in the clause “Governor should be a Ukrainian Citizen” is not disclosed.

More insolent and unprofessional proposal I have not met yet in any honest blockchain project.

How can Ukrainian community trust the development of the whole community and the treasury of the regional DAO to people who appointed themselves as governors and violated all possible rules for the creation of Decentralized Autonomous Regional Organization?

It is possible to leave my post unchallenged and hold these elections, but in this case the idea of Harmony DAO will be forever compromised and these elections will create a dangerous precedent for an unfair proposal, self-appointed governors and an example for many dishonest projects.

I believe that the Ukrainian DAO proposal requires serious revision and detailed open discussion with the Ukrainian community in the Ukrainian section of this forum, otherwise this proposal can not be considered as a regional Harmony DAO.

Best Regards!