Reimbursement Proposal [Horizon Incident]

They mention your issue in the “resolving de-pegged loans” section. They specifically list AAVE under “uncollectible loans” in the table at the bottom. I think that answers your question.

I would like to see dedicated solution to unlock locked assets first, after that, when this is resolved users will have a choice what to do. I feel that people who have locked assets do not have any choices.


when will unaffected bridged assets (examples: LINK or YGG) be available to move back to Ethereum??


The problem with Aave lies with Aave. They are the responsible party for relying on a faulty price oracle and not responding to the bridge hack fast enough. It took them weeks to decide to stop borrowing and then reduce interest rate. Now they are trying to wash their hands of the problem by blaming harmony for allowing the bridge to be hacked.

If you are expecting harmony to respond to this you then you are expecting harmony to fix somone else’s problem.

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AAVE is not going to do anything about it because they are convinced that Harmony should resolve it.

Harmony Team has not confirmed yet if they are communicating with AAVE to resolve this.

Since individual users are affected, there is no incentive to resolve this. Individual users are invisible in this situation, they can only express discontent on social media.

This might change when affected users will organise into a group or seek legal advice or action.

Please do not MINT more tokens.
Please include 1SHIB also in the Depegged list. In other words it is SHIBA from ETH blockchain. I do not see in the list Deppeged tokens.


AAVE is not doing anything because AAVE token holders vote with their bags. People who hold a significant amount of AAVE tokens probably have 0 to negligible stake in Harmony (ETH chain TVL$4.88B vs Harmony chain TVL$1.89m).

They are fine with earning fees from harmony users using their protocol. But when it comes to liability they don’t want to have anything to do with Harmony.

Change the situation, if WBTC gets depegged on ETH network you will see that their community will be up in arms demanding for compensation and votes for compensation will go through. Nobody will talk about getting Vitalik Buterin to fix the problem.


AAVE just banned me from their Discord server for sharing the link to this opinion.

Seems like they are a lot more efficient in dealing with criticism than addressing protocol issues.

AAVE is tiny part of the issue, only way to get funds back from them would be RE-PEG, so I suggest to concentrate efforts on that…

I suggest we communicate the current situation with aave on every social platform. Lets start by a dedicated post on cryptocurrency reddit with 500k users (or multiple). Let everyone know how this “safe” platform respond in case of an exploit and just hold hostage customers funds. Next step could be in fact to organize a group, gather evidences from all impacted users and go to court.


45 days since the Horizon bridge “incident” and still no concrete explanation and action to restore the bridged assets peg.
Each additional day without a solution is a day closer to the end of the Harmony venture. Not understanding this shows the amateurism of this executive team.
Fortunately, the legal time is going to be faster and more efficient.


Myself, im just waiting to see what will be done… but it may came to that.
Is there any movement reg legal action? I remember you were gathering some info.
Personally I would give them last chance, but if playing on time will extended…


I’m waiting too. been waiting for a while.

It’s a massive red flag that I can still access Horizon bridge, a one way ticket to loose your money.

The core team has control over that. why not take it down?

Makes me think they don’t care enough to protect users, or the work environment is so toxic, nobody cares anymore.

For me that’s enough proof that they cannot solve this. as long as the affected services are not down, it’s a trap.

I read on reddit some uninformed users tried the bridge and it works as an instant rug pull now.

Not true. @barf

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This proposal has been withdrawn due to the feedback by the community.

A new community-driven proposal is being drafted involving members with TradFi background, with DeFi builders and with community moderators.

New Proposal

A new proposal is being drawn out lead by community members, with Harmony participating