We are a community supported disaster relief DAO. Born from necessity this comical sounding venture is just funny enough to get you to stop and think. I hope we can plant a positive seed while we have your attention momentarily. Located in the heart of North Florida we have seen the bad the ugly and the worse than ugly. We want to be the light that signals hope after any natural disaster. Emergency food water and potentially basic shelter can be deployed fast if assembled properly and positioned and shifted into positions based on weather reports.to to the best good the fastest to keep a bad situation from getting worse. We’ve seen Ivan, Andrew, Katrina, Michael. The list is too long to leave here. We are coming before the whole of the community on bended knee to just push our swing a little so we can get going. Please if you live in coastal areas, or other yearly disaster prone areas join our family. We could be your light after the storm, We pray we can be!!!
My name is Matthew Williams, at least that’s what my momma named me. I picked up several nick names over the years and about 2000 I decided to rebrand. See there are, or at the time were, some 48,000 Matt Williams’ in the USA. So I rebranded to Cousin Williams. So before any juicy rumors get started, put them in the dumpster. I am a singer songwriter I live at the coast. I ride out small storms but I can after a lifetime of watching storms know when to hold umm and when to fold umm. I’ll run for the hills I ain’t shy, but I’m coming back quick, to help, cuz I’m a real nice guy.