A social wallet for the next 100M users on Web3 — 1Wallet

:sparkles: Project Overview

A social wallet built for Web3, 1Wallet is a non-custodial wallet with a simple and secure user experience. Sending crypto is as easy as sending messages - instant, safe, and without fees. It does everything you’d expect from a wallet, without the stress of seed phrase / private keys.

1Wallet is built on top of the security infrastructure developed by Aaron Li (keyless smart contract wallet). It is an open-source project funded in part by the Harmony grant and a network of investors (GDP, GFC, Kima, SignalFire, ex-Google angels). Our goal is to work with Harmony developers to make 1Wallet the flagship wallet for the Harmony community.

Curious or want to join us? https://1wallet.xyz

:heart_on_fire: If you remember just ONE thing…

1Wallet is social.

Money as a commodity exists when it is accepted by consensus, its value is secured by mutual trust, and as a medium of exchange, it must be readily accessible by everyone. As such, money is the basis for social relationships between producers and consumers, debtors and creditors (i.e., 456 deeply indebted individuals), payees and payers. Money is a social relation and a social wallet is essential.

By focusing on wallet-to-wallet communication, we make it easier for wallet users to converse privately, establish trust, share information, and of course, exchange crypto assets. Simply put, it is a chat built for Web3, so everyone can send and receive messages, photos, videos, crypto assets, as well as form a group around common interests or shared values.

We’re developing a social wallet that’s secure, fast, and delightful to use.

:scroll: Past Informs the Future

Wallets of the past are static and stateless.

Wallets have been an important accessory since man first stripped hide from beasts. In centuries past, we used them to keep a variety of things, from valuables like cash and credit cards to essential identification documents such as driver’s licenses, transit passes, and membership cards. More importantly, as a keepsake of mementos and photos — each wallet is a personal iconography for its owner. Hence, the latent potential of the wallet is tremendous. Imagine, a network of connected wallets that have memories and context, with capabilities to create and maintain interpersonal relationships among families, friends, and co-workers, and forge new connections.

At the same time, money itself is completing an evolutionary arc from atoms to bits. Gone are the days of shiny metal or greenish paper as the only medium of exchange. Today, money is stored in secured memory and wireless chips, moving about as packets of information. So a new generation of wallets is needed — a crypto wallet. In the parlance of Blockchain, crypto wallet can be viewed as a pointer on the ledger, and the wallet is the master pointer used to open and close transactions and assign sub-pointers. In practice, a crypto wallet is an entrance to the brave new world of Web3. A well-designed crypto wallet will serve as a platform for financial services, personal data vaults, and universal identities. A network of crypto wallets will become the backbone of the Web3 economy.

:dna: Digital Wallet Evolution

As the world continues to adopt Web3 and the economic ideas on how the internet should be re-architected with the radical idea of the ownership economy, it is easy to overlook an adjacent evolution of Web3: digital wallet evolution.

The digital wallet has been undergoing over a decade-long development since the days of Satoshi’s Bitcoin-Qt wallet, and it’s easy to mark it as feature-complete given the panoply of features available on today’s wallets.

  • Wallet 1.0: basic wallet functions (send; receive)
  • Wallet 2.0: developer-focused wallet extensions led by MetaMask that provide a gateway into DeFi products, swaps, staking, and limited NFTs

But as the user demographic continues to get younger and the industry more mature, the way an average Web3 user will interact with the space will change dramatically and rapidly.

  • Wallet 3.0: consumer-focused social wallet as a creative catalyst for all of your web3 and metaverse adventures

:woman_climbing:t2: Crossing the Chasm

Considering that trading through Coinbase or Robinhood only requires a few taps on the phone, many cannot escape the impression that crypto has already crossed the chasm. In reality, it’s a far cry from the truth. Many crypto wallets are meant for techies, crypto enthusiasts with a high pain threshold and willingness to:

  1. Spend long hours getting the product to work
  2. Learn with inadequate documentation
  3. Live with slow performance
  4. Invoke basic features through convoluted methods
  5. Overlook the janky and clunky user interface
  6. Live with the burden of security

Currently, user experience is grossly overlooked because most users are venturous early adopters willing to tolerate a clunky experience to discover the frontier of Web3. While early adopters make great critics because of their passion and care, they are a “captured” group and often do NOT represent the target user base. On the other hand, we are inviting Gen-Zers to adopt 1Wallet and participate in our Discord server.

:onion: Peeling back and Unpacking the Crypto Wallet

Gen-Zers are digital natives with short attention spans, and their hyper-connected lifestyles demand intuitive and user-friendly services. We expect the engagement to move from passive consumption to active creation, thereby shifting creative power to the users. Consequently, the crypto wallet’s user experience plays a critical role.

Wallet UX must be simple in its UI and inviting and appealing in both its visual aesthetics and how it communicates with the users. We believe in frictionless wallet operations (e.g., fiat onramp, swap, send/receive) and social functions (e.g., self-sovereign identity, easy NFT minting, cross-chain sharing, voting, wallet-to-wallet chat) will forge the future of Web3. See the 1Wallet product philosophy for additional details.

Parsing primitives is tricky, but we’ll try to peel back a few layers to unpack crypto wallets and share a glimpse into how we see its position and importance in the Web3 future.

:magic_wand: Magic, ONE Happy user at a Time

Glasses are invisible; they help you better see the world.

User interfaces that are well designed are often unnoticed by users, while poorly designed user interfaces force users to pay more attention to them than to their content. The purpose of a wallet is to fulfill an intent: to send or receive tokens, to explore intriguing NFTs, to communicate with friends… Users don’t come to play with the interface. In fact, our team assumes users don’t care about the interface, so our responsibility is to make the interface invisible.

From security and privacy to care and usability — what matters to you matters to us. GenZ crypto users of today expect fundamentally different things from their wallets. Clients like MetaMask were built with developers in mind. That made sense given crypto’s origins, but as less technical consumers start to dabble in web3, a higher premium will be placed on the design. The future of Web3 and the onboarding of the next 100 million users will require much more user-friendly and intuitive experiences.

:fuelpump: Technical Brief

Security is paramount in a digital wallet, and it is the fuel that keeps the engine running smoothly and securely. 1Wallet is an unconventional keyless, non-custodial smart contract mobile wallet. Security is embedded in the 1Wallet core. As a smart contract wallet, logic can be added to improve both the user experience (UX) and the wallet security, something a traditional wallet couldn’t do: setting up daily spend and transfer limit, lock/unlock/trigger a social recovery process, automatically tracking tokens (ERC/HRC-20, 721, 1155), auto interaction with other smart contracts, upgradability, and a lot more.

1Wallet is EVM compatible. The current beta operates exclusively on the Harmony network. Learn more about the underlying security and more.

:blue_heart:Ecosystem Fit

Web3 should be accessible to everyone. We’re committed to helping more people access crypto so that they can create economic opportunities for themselves and their families.

1Wallet shares the Harmony ecosystem’s mission to create a radically fair economy. Everyone can earn up to 20% fixed rate income without the hassle and worry of misplaced or hacked seed phrases. With the 1Wallet’s user-friendly, non-custodial, secure, and smart contract wallet, we can secure the community’s financial future against password breaches, platform malware, and exchange hacks.

Moving crypto-assets should be as fast and easy as sending a text message. Whether investing in tokens, sending funds to family and friends, purchasing NFTs, or playing games in the Metaverse — it is made seamless with a wallet-to-wallet social communication. It is a place where communities with shared interests leverage social capital and turn group chats into DAOs and marketplaces. 1Wallet is (almost) ready to fill the void left by the sunset of the Harmony Chrome extension wallet. It is coming soon to your nearest App Store.

:open_hands:Scenius and Ambassadorship

Scenius is like genius, only embedded in a scene rather than in genes.
Brian Eno suggested the word to convey the extreme creativity that groups, places, or “scenes” can occasionally generate. Scenius stands for the intelligence and the intuition of a whole cultural scene. It is the communal form of the concept of genius.

Individuals immersed in a productive scenius will blossom and produce their best work. When buoyed by scenius, you act like a genius. The entire environment inspires you.

Scenius can erupt almost anywhere and at different scales: in the corner of a company, in a neighborhood, or in an entire region.

The history of art and science is crammed with episodes of scenius. In modern literature, there was the Algonquin Round Table, the Bloomsbury Group, and the Inklings in Oxford, UK. In art, there was Paris in the 20s, the lofts in Soho, NYC, and Burning Man recently. In science, there was the Lunar Society in England, Building 20 at MIT, or the ever-spreading Silicon Valley.

  • Key ingredients:
  • Mutual appreciation (peer pressure) — Risky moves are applauded by the group; friendly competition goads the shy.
  • Rapid exchange of tools and techniques — As soon as something is invented, it is flaunted and then shared. Ideas flow quickly because they are flowing inside a common language and sensibility.
  • Network effects of success — When a record is broken, a hit happens, or a breakthrough erupts, the success is claimed by the entire scene.
  • Local tolerance for the novelties — The local “outside” does not push back against the transgressions of the scene. The renegades and mavericks are protected.

:fist: Community Grant

1Wallet is an aspirational project aligned with the moonshot goals of the Harmony ecosystem. It is the first-ever social crypto wallet made for the mobile native generations. It is built on top of decades of cryptographic research and bleeding-edge protocol. For the past 180 days, the core team has been working with Harmony contributors and community volunteers to gather design feedback and alpha testing 1Wallet. We started IRL community activation events at EthLisbon, NFT.NYC, Day ONE SF, EthDenver, ETH Austin, NFT.LA, Coachella, and we will do more in the coming months.

The community grant will cover all development costs, including frontend and API/backend development, engineering QA, code/security audits, and any integrations that grow the usage and Harmony ecosystem through the following milestones listed. We’re excited to share the progress-to-date and the roadmap ahead, but we are keenly aware of the tremendous amount of work ahead of us. We’re very grateful for the Harmony community and the ecosystem fund. #wagmi #lfg

:compass: Product Roadmap and Milestones

We believe in “focus on the user, and all else will follow,” everything from security and safety to care and usability. 1Wallet team has been working closely with the Harmony community to activate the first set of cohorts to gather feedback and test for wallet usability. From the mile-high city of Denver, where we sampled the 1Wallet fishfood with EthDenver attendees, to the crazy streets of Austin, where we joined the SXSW insanity. The past couple of months of conference-hopping has given us invaluable insights to shape the product roadmap and future milestones.

We are seeking a 1 million grant funding per following milestones:

Milestone 1 — May 4th (25% Open Source, 25%App Store Beta launch)

We’re currently dogfooding (beta) the following baseline wallet functionalities:

  • 1-click wallet creation
  • Wallet backup and recovery
  • Send/receive/swap (Sushiswap)
  • Chat functionality

The key deliverable for the phase is the open-sourcing of the base code repo and the beta release on App Store for extensive testing. The key features and functionalities will include beta features above and:

  • Wallet Details
  • Transaction history and visualization
  • Multi-wallet support
  • Chat & Payment — Sending tokens is as easy as sending a text
    • Send / Receive using wallet-to-wallet connections
    • No more, “what’s your wallet address, cmd+ c, cmd+v, did you get my transactions.”
  • 1-1 and Group Chat (Easy share via QR)
  • Fiat on-ramp (simplex)

Milestone 2 — Refinement + Social functions (25%)

In this phase, we plan to focus on building out the social functions, in addition to activating the ambassadorship and scenius program

  • Multi-wallet Profile system
    • Organize conversations by wallet addresses instead of a single user-profile
    • Split people, topics, and interests without multiple logins
    • Allows 1Wallet user to name their machine-readable addresses in human-readable format
    • Contact
  • Gift Packet
  • Ability to give token gifts to other wallet addresses (direct vs. group)
  • Gift packet drop - the amount is randomly assigned in each envelope to each recipient’s wallet address
  • Bill Split
  • Going Dutch on-chain (1/n)
  • Keep track of your shared expenses and balances with housemates, trips, groups, friends, and family (Utopia Labs)
  • Group-formation to capital-formation
    • DAO on Tap — Creation of DAO, on-chain voting, governance (Aragon)
  • DAO tooling to further expand our tools and templates to enable a lightweight, easy micro-DAO setup and maintenance, including quadratic voting (Boardroom)
  • Less fragmented communication path for voting (Snapshot)
  • Scheduling and notifying DAO meetings or quick polling (Tally)
  • Collecting DAO funds (JuiceBox)
  • Distributing tokens to contributors (Superfluid)
  • We.here - location proximity, PIN-code enabled group chat
  • Subscribable channels
  • Gamification of Money - Gamification is about being user-centricity: it helps customers achieve their goals in a way that emotionally engages them
    • Gift packet
  • Ghost legs
  • DAO Treasury management (Gnosis SAFE multi-sig)
  • Social recovery
  • NFT
    • Store NFT collectibles
    • Direct-to-avatar (DTA) - ride the latest business model by releasing digital products direct to screen
      • For generation alpha and generation Z, customization and creation are intricate parts of their gaming experience
      • For them, customization and the play element are part of the same thing: self-expression and exploration

Milestone 3 — NFT + Staking + DeFi (25%)

The milestone includes an additional buildout of milestone 2 and the following:

  • Staking features
    • Delegation
    • Listing validators
  • Claiming rewards
  • ONEAnchor support
  • Sticker marketplace - Stickers offer a fun way for users to visually interact with their friends and family and have been shown to increase engagement levels within messaging apps
    • We propose the implementation of a Sticker Market within Status, allowing anyone to create and begin selling their own designs to users all over the world and to begin using stickers within any Status chat
  • Adding 1Wallet to the home screen
  • Store NFT collectibles
  • NFT as an access pass (e.g. MintGate)
  • NFT as digital gift cards/purchasing voucher
  • 1Wallet PFP — create a unique 3D profile identifier (e.g., Androidify by Larva Labs & Google, a Tamagotchi that garners traits and “grows” as user engagement and activity is shaped in the application)
  • Cross-chain NFT attestation - reference Harmony’s DFK design doc on Ethereum
  • Collective bidding of NFT auctions - bid with friends, strangers, apes/mutants
  • Push notifications to all owners of an NFT drops
  • Group ownership of NFTs
  • Self-sovereign identity, the reputation that travels with you
    • Transitioning from fleeting “likes” to the enduring reputation
    • Web3 envisions that each internet user will have a unique internet identifier, like an email address, and social network login. The identifier can be natively associated with any piece of information on the blockchain. As part of one’s self-sovereign identity, some of a person’s Web3 activity would be on-chain, which would be openly accessible within a vast network of wallets.
  • Social commerce / creative catalyst/marketplace - laying the groundwork for the next-gen digital platform putting creative power in the hands of the user
    • you’re not creating content that people consume, you’re creating content that people then create with
    • That’s really powerful. You’re putting out a piece of content that everyone personalizes and has a personal experience with
  • Q2’22 — IRL: TGIs, local Harmony meetups, conferences, concerts, sporting events
  • Q3’22 — Creators club: music, art, sports, music, developer
  • 1H’23 — Interest graph development on-/off-chain
  • CEX integration

:crystal_ball: Future Plans and Crystal Ball

As the BAYC/ApeCoin eloquently shares, “Culture has found new expression in web3 through art, gaming, entertainment, and events. The possibilities for blockchain’s impact on Culture are so endless that they can’t possibly all be predicted yet.” We believe one thing will be inevitable — the wallet will be at the center of all initiatives and innovations that drive Culture forward into the Metaverse.

Our future plans include expanding our social functionalities and introducing some meta elements to simplify further and give the users a convenient entry point into web3 and the Metaverse. We expect the future of Web3 and the onboarding of the next 100 million users will require the bounce and color of a friendly social wallet vs. the utility-heavy wallet. Further, as the industry matures, we expect the concept of a multi-chain wallet will blur into obsolescence and pave the way for chain-agnostic possibilities. There will be scores of use cases that expand the total addressable market for the overall blockchain ecosystem

  • Increase the number of trading destinations, and add cross-chain functionalities.
  • Self-sovereign Identity in Web3 is a readable history unique to each person — one’s crypto wallet would function as a profile similar to Facebook or LinkedIn. Unlike web2 profiles, self-sovereign identities are verified by hard evidence: a permanent record of a person’s accomplishments, contributions, interests, and activities.
  • Basic groundwork for multiplatform development (web; Android)
  • Augmented reality (AR) NFT
  • Social commerce
  • On-chain group formation and buying (Pinduoduo)
  • Weekly Deals (e.g., wirecutter)
  • Digitally native services (Spotify, HBOMax, YouTube Premium)
    • Reduce churn, promote user retention

:raised_hands: Success Metrics & KPIs

Our goal for the grant is to become the top 10 non-custodial wallets with 50,000 WAU (weekly active users) by Q3 of 2022. While crypto wallet market data is sparse, we consider the following wallet to be technically sound (security & safety) with good user experience: Coinbase, Argent, Rainbow, Metamask, Phantom, Trust Wallet, Gnosis Safe, Near, Zengo, MyEtherWallet.

1Wallet go-to-market is approached through a dual lens of purpose and community. As part of the $1 million grant proposal, we track and openly publish weekly growth metrics on Google Spreadsheets — our target w/w growth rate is ~5%.

We believe in establishing a strong foundation for long-term success in web3, starting with a clear purpose and vision, building a vibrant community and close partnership, and matching it with product magic. Critical metrics will be tracked to measure progress.

  • :trophy: Product - Magic

    • Product build-out and integrations
    • 1,000 private beta testers (dogfooding)
    • 1,500 beta waitlist
    • App Store launch (unlisted)
      • 10,000 App Store unlisted
      • WAU
  • :handshake:🏿 partnership - critical bridge to reaching new markets and increasing user loyalty

    • Culture & Entertainment (music, games, arts, sports, fashion)
    • Creator-to-fan community content
  • :knot: Community - product evangelist

    • Repo open source
      • 3 third-party integrations
    • Social
      • 5,000 Discord members
      • 5,000 Twitter followers
      • 5,000 TikTok
    • Ambassador program
      • Onboard 10 ambassadors
      • 10 cities; 20 colleges
    • Launch 100 DAOs on Tap
    • Community-led, community-first to community-owned
      • Draft token design to reward the Community
  • Social media & content strategy research doc

:pie: We’re pie Makers

We’re pie makers. We’re strong believers in a culture of experimentation and understand that to be a leader in the Web3 space, we must align all parties involved (user community, partners, developers, investors) to be incentivized for the pie of the product and the ecosystem to be as big as possible. A team of bakers led by the following master chefs to execute the mission:

Zi Wang (CEO/Co-Founder) - Google - Creative Director (Android, Chrome; ACME Research lab); Gitcoin Kernel Block3 Fellow

Hochung Nam (Product/Co-Founder) - Deloitte; Founding Co-Editor for Stanford Journal of Blockchain Law & Policy; Gitcoin Kernel Block3 Fellow

Paola Veglio (Marketing) - Google - Head of Global Brand Marketing (Android, Chrome, Play); VP Marketing - Dreem

Vinh Dang (Engineering Lead) - Math Whiz; 8 years API/Backend engineering; International Math Olympiad medalist. Leads a team of 5 developers and 2 QA engineers.

:handshake: Core Collaborators

Aaron Li: wallet infrastructure, security, smart contracts
Giv Parveneh: UI, user feedback, community
Leo Chen: blockchain infrastructure, NFT, community
Boris Polania: DBI, mobile SDK
Peter Abilla: partnership, business development

:jigsaw: Puzzle Solvers


As a Decentralized Autonomous Organization (DAO), 1Wallet is independent of the Harmony Foundation and will be governed by its members. In addition to the core pie makers (Zi, Hochung, Paola, Vinh), the remaining 5 initial governors as authorized signatories include:

  1. Zi Wang — Product (know the rules, broke them)
  2. Hochung Nam — Product (keep the train on schedule)
  3. Paola Veglio — Go-to-Market (know the user, know the magic, connect the two)
  4. Erin McMahon — Marketing Manager (making coach k proud, 1 activation at a time)
  5. Michelle Gualta — Community Lead (always be closing the customer gap)
  6. Sahil Dewan — Imagineer (keeping the dream alive)
  7. Nghia Vo — Frontend Engineering lead (win 2023 WWDC App of the year awards)
  8. Darren Lau — Designer (pixel surgeon, digital botox)
  9. Vinh Dang — Engineer (math is hard, he enjoys it too much)

:writing_hand:Fund Administration

Funds will be administered via the 5/9 multi-sig wallet by people familiar with the progress of the work. Other administrators may be added in the future to increase the threshold.

Gnosis Multisig Safe - 0x3118cD673EcF65931D75acA35EAe2aBa4e38E3Bb


Zi this is exactly what Harmony needs to bootstrap exponential growth. Harmony had a great Community AMA today and this post follows in mirroring that sentiment of transparency and community involvement.

@everyone this is something we definitely need, Android users bust out your old iPad, download testflight and watch this video at ETH Austin on Zi highlighting 1Wallet features. At about 13:30 when the guy moves his head enough out of the way, the QR Code reveals the link to 1Wallet for beta testing.

Then do what communities do best and provide a ton of negative feedback to the team until they get it right. Let’s iterate 1Wallet to its full potential.


Looks rare


Let’s freaking go.

@kenny – what’s life w/o irony, after launching Android in 2008 and spending 10 years at Google, I know :robot: adoption is a necessary milestone for us to reach in Q3 of this year.

Constructive feedback is welcomed; we have been conducting a fishfood program since January and recently moved into dogfood.


Thanks for your proposal, it has been assigned to @frwrdslosh, who will review and respond shortly :blue_heart:

@z_timeless I’m super bullish on the initiative and the team behind this. It’s a mountain of tasks. To get to a strong yes, I’m curious to hear whether these are viable:

  1. reducing scope in the social functions, especially in the mobile app, to just a handful of features

  2. extending the mobile app into a seamless (thin) mobile to (thick) desktop app/plugin, like Ledger Live or Metamask desktop plugin

  3. figuring out fiat to crypto onramp to expand beyond Simplex to hit 80+% acceptance rate

  4. finding a path to sustainability (e.g. token sale to eliminate swap fees, like BNB; or tx fees into treasury)




  1. reducing the scope of the social functions, especially in the mobile app, to just a handful of features.

Social in the context of 1Wallet is not a collection of features and functions; it is the center of gravity for the user experience. We intend to build something much more potent beyond the conventional utility of Web2 social apps. Social platforms like Facebook, LinkedIn, Instagram, and Twitter evolved social networks into social media. Moreover, e-commerce platforms like Uber and Airbnb are network marketplaces with social integrations. In short, we see social as the “killer app” for Web3. It has the latent potential to foster strong network effects. For 1Wallet to take off, we need to design a collection of social features to overcome the cold-start problem. For more context, the following are our product-design guidelines to keep the core social features focused:

  • Acquisition efficacy - which makes it possible to drive low-cost, highly efficient user acquisition through viral growth.
  • Engagement level - which affects network participants’ average level of engagement as the network grows.
  • Economic impact - increases monetization levels and conversion rates as the network grows.
  1. extending the mobile app into a seamless (thin) mobile to (thick) desktop app/plugin, like Ledger Live or Metamask desktop plugin

Negative: developers are more than happy to make use of dual 4k monitors with gigabit fiber networks for high-volume trades or clever yield farming. The normies live with their mobile devices. Our goal is clear: make crypto wallets as ubiquitous as any popular Web2 social apps or peer-to-peer payment apps. This means we have to say no to the hardcore crypto natives and move into the uncharted territory of iPhone & Android. While smartphones have only penetrated 6.7 billion people on this planet, we are happy to start in this niche segment of the market (/sarcasm). In all seriousness, Metamask, Ledger, and the many other powerful web-based wallets are designed for innovators and early adopters. They are competing in the “Red Sea”, it is a blood bath to compete on speeds and feeds, not overall user experience.

With the above being said, we do have a future plan to release a new kind of crypto wallet for the web. It will work like Google’s MOMA, but that’s another topic for another day.

  1. figuring out fiat to crypto onramp to expand beyond Simplex to hit 80+% acceptance rat.
    Agree, Wyre, Apple Pay, MoonPay… Maybe direct Plaid or Stripe Integration. But need more direct business development and L1 network compliance.
  2. finding a path to sustainability (e.g. token sale to eliminate swap fees, like BNB; or tx fees into treasury)
    As shared with our venture/angel investors, we won’t discuss future token design until we reach the critical network utility with millions of active users. 1Wallet’s vision is to serve as your home in the Metaverse, token launch is just a milestone, not a destination. Let’s go far, really really far.

Wen Android? That’s a HUGE market.

I’d love to have 1Wallet (if and when ready on both/all platforms) as the “advertised” wallet for a DAO community, connecting everything through Harmony: communications & funds in/out. A reliable fiat on ramp would be beautiful. This could help define Harmony as a significant standout.

I’d be a little more excited if I could try it on my Android, since I don’t eat Applesauce. :slight_smile:

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On behalf of our team, we would like to approve this as a core initiative. Looking forward to building for the next 100 million users.


Android dev is in motion, Alpha launch Eth.cc (July Paris); Beta launch August


:100::rocket::muscle::heart::star2::flying_saucer::fire: :astonished: Very exciting news! Looking forward to it and hoping it becomes a wallet as synonymous with Harmony as Phantom wallet is with Solana!

Thanks for the great news on a beautiful Friday (Where I am, anyway!) :smirk: … actually Saturday now…


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LFG!!! :100: :100: :100: :rocket: :rocket: :rocket:

I’d like to see more update from 1wallet team with roadmap and progress.


Echoing Leo…

Can the 1wallet team provide more updates?