Bitcoin Bridge DAO

  • @gupadhyaya + @lijiang2087
    Saw during the all hands that there was some discussion about a 1BTC bridge DAO.
    I had previously brought up some ideas regarding this subject, I still believe it sounds like it could be very useful but had a few comments to add:

After thinking about it for some time, I was curious if perhaps it should be considered something like an ONE-xClaim Bridge DAO (which is the architecture it’s based on) because

  1. I’m actually currently drafting a proposal about how the 1BTC Bridge infrastructure can be easily adapted for the Ergo Blockchain and other eUTxO models afterwards. and
  2. I believe this kind of DAO and governance model would help to streamline the need for liquidity as more and more chains begin to work to bridge to Harmony; beyond the BTC bridge. Especially when it comes to defining a reward structure for the liquidity providers for the structure of the Trustless infrastructure.

Here’s the post I just made which seems relevant to this conversation about the 1BTC DAO

ErgoPlatform $ERG <-> $1ERG xClaim BRIDGE
