Grant: Amara Finance a multi-chain long-tail asset lending protocol

I have deposited 10 ONE’s no problem.
When I’m trying to borrow, it gets stuck and it doesn’t show that I could borrow any DAI.
Would you take a look, please?
We could have a call if you want to go step by step or have a video from you showing how is it working.


Would you also can take a look of our Branding colors please? I see that Harmony green logo isn’t the one that we use. Thank you!

(branding - Google Drive)

Hi, @jbeltran

Thanks for your kind test and the feedback.

Borrow function is closed unless you turn on the Collateral on My Deposit sector. This is an example:

(It’s because users need to make their deposited token as the guarantee to borrow.)

Also, we have modified Harmony token logo based on your file, please check. (Really sorry for that.)

We are always happy to hear from you.

Hi @jbeltran

Hope everything finds you well.
Regarding the test campaign on milestone 2, we’d like to give a feedback to you.

It was a successful activity that had attracted nearly ten thousand users.

  • Thousands of addresses finished the interaction

  • Nearly 500 tweets posted on twitter

We have distributed the airdrop to the winners.
If you want to know more about it, please let us know. Thank you.

Can I ask where you got Amara from? The Sanskrit word or the town in Turkey?

Hi, @GeorgeofEmmaInterest

Glad that you asked about the name thing.
Amara is a Latin word, meaning immortal flower. We would like to continue growing the Amara ecosystem with the blessing of “everlasting” the name brings to us!

Hello there again:

Done the testnet

As you can see the deposit is not being added. It changes the figure 5.9 ONE’s to 2.9 ONE’s. Instead of adding.
Can you check it?
All the rest looks really good. Thank you!

Hi @jbeltran

Thanks for your feedback.

We have checked your video and the balanece you pointed out is actually your wallet balance. Your deposit succeeded and it showed the balance change in My Deposit part. Please refer to the pic below.

Please let us know if you have further questions, thank you.

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Hi @Gree
Please do let me know in which step you are so I can review your Milestones.
Thank you in advance.
:blue_heart: :mechanical_arm:

Hi, @jbeltran glad to hear from you.
We have finished milestone 1 and 2.

For milestone 1, please check the report below.

For milestone 2, please check the report below.

Besides, we also finished the distribution of test rewards weeks ago.
Let us know if you need further information, thanks.