I’ve been on HarmonyONE since Pre DFK.
Since the Hack Almost Every HarmonyONE project has either left, Rugged, or just plain Given up.
Now post hack, I’ve delt with Angry peeps that Argue about just about everything.
Not getting paid from HarmonyONE core,
He said/she said.
Different ways to *Solve the Recovery
Shoulda Coulda, ( anything )
AnyONE that has stuck around and *Actually Tried to Assist The HarmonyONE Recovery/Ecosystem
AND are also Victoms IMO
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It doesn’t make you a victim if you volunteer to stay and help out. Just makes you part of the solution.
Most of these projects were just money grabs/rugs in the first place. I feel that’s what happens with these grant programs, it’s like throwing shit at the wall and seeing what sticks.
You’re basically saying that everyone that stayed is a victim. If that’s the case, everyone should leave now. Stop playing the victim.
If you’re here to help with a solution, then stay.
Harmony foundation DID NOT PAY many projects, harmonauts, team members that they said they would pay. What does this have to do with you?
He said, she said = bullshit. Don’t sweat the small stuff.
You volunteered to be a recovery ambassador, that you’re now asking to get funded for. You shouldn’t have volunteered if you didn’t want to talk about recovery. I don’t see the recovery ambassadors getting feedback on this idea.
You’ve been in the community since pre DFK, you should understand how many people got ripped off and forgotten by the team. While they say “keep building, you will get funded” while they simultaneously strip all the self sustainability you’ve been working on (crazy.one domains, bootstrap program)
Yet you’re asking for funding now…
This recovery idea in this thread makes so much more sense than some “ANON” that you’re sharing everywhere. It gets to the root of the problem instead of dragging the recovery out longer than it needs to.
It’s already going to be a lot longer because Harmony Foundation stopped putting anything towards recovery.
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Technically anyone that bought depegged assets after the hack are or should be in profit now. Otherwise, what are we even accomplishing with the recovery?
The arbitrage makes it profitable for anyone to burn depegged assets but it’s the actual burning of the assets, lowering circulating supply the increases the value slowly.
The main reason for arbbing is to level out values between exchanges, doesn’t change fair value.
I appreciate your feedback and everything you do for the community
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This is Basic price manipulation, to keep Depegged ASSETS at a Low, *Manageable price, its bs and not fair to the HarmonyONE community, lets reward participation. Lets build back DeFi on HarmonyONE,
Why have this dirty, backyard, basement, VIP, Club,
Why not work WITH Recovery.exchange, instead of AGAINST Recovery.exchange.
All I’m Asking/ Begging For is Harmony on HarmonyONE, Tribalism NEEDS to STOP ASAP.
The people that are still hear are Passionate AF.
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What are you talking about? “Dirty, backyard, basement, VIP, Club” “tribalism” ??
When was anything said about not working with recovery.exchange?? Where are you getting this from?
Meanwhile you’re actively trying to reallocate Modulo’s allocation to a liquidity incentive program.
When have I made someone feel not welcome in this thread? You was the first person to give negative feedback, yet you’re still welcome to participate.
The goal is to get past recovery 100% and earn back trust that was lost. You’re stuck on rewarding yourself instead of focusing on the issue at hand.
Harmony has given you a platform and has given you credibility. You’ve now started projects and DAO’s so you’ll have a reputation to uphold. They don’t even follow a third of the Validators that support the network and keep it running. Consider yourself lucky.
Just because we don’t always support each other’s ideas or opinions, doesn’t mean we both don’t want what’s best for the future of the Harmony network/community.
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#ONEshow5 June 5th 11PM UTC
We All have a Seat at The HarmonyONE Table, Where EVERYONE is ALWAYS welcome.
You personally have access to the Google Document, to add ANYTHING HarmonyONE related.
Lets Talk more about This.
Almost 2 years ago
“Addressing affected users is a priority as we navigate through this event”