Recovery One Foundation

I will no longer be supporting R1 until they fix their snapshot which systemically disenfranchises and under-reimburses holders of non-stablecoins.

While R1 will peg stablecoin holders to the true (i.e., current) value of stablecoins ($1) - a 1:1 ratio - they will only peg 1WBTC, 1ETH, bscBNB at a fraction of their true (current) value.

For example: R1 who use the June value of 1ETH ($1100) and not the current value (~$1400). Instead of 1ETH holders receiving the same 1:1 ratio like stablecoin holders, they’ll only receive .78:1

This is an unfair implementation. R1 must return the ratio to a full 1:1 like with stablecoins, or perhaps make the ratio for both stablecoins and non-stables something like ~.9:1. Maybe even Harmony can use treasury funds to bridge the gap. :wink: