> Team name
> Chosen hackathon track/s
Tracks 5, 6, 7 and 8
> What did you work on this week?
We.ve been polishing up the UI and the integration with the 1wallet code as well as the linkedin, apple face id and android biometric integrations.
We hope to have a demo version of the mobile wallet up and running on the mainnet this coming week and showcase the user onboarding experience & DeFi dashboard + NFT gallery + DAO townsquare.
> What are you hoping to complete by next week?
The final mobile wallet UI show be up and running and connected to the harmony mainnet.
> Are you blocked by anything?
Nope all is well, the harmony docs have been helpful as usual
> How can Harmony core team help?
We’ll reach out to the harmony team for a private demo this coming Friday.