Unique ID generation for every harmony one wallet address created

hey , @aaronqli - This system will probably take sometime to get right , Everest.org which launched on Sept last year have been making tremendous progress and have even APIs for generating the unique ID using facial recognition i think harmony core team should check them out. Honestly the reason we were working on this is because we thought no one else was working on it , but they recently did their ICO and have over $800 million tokens in supply. Below is how we planned to improvise

  1. the system will pose additional burden on users and applications, its a trade off between usability and security. Some chains eg Everest have started implementing it though . ( Lets wait and see how they scale it)
  2. The face ID team was to be managed by the core harmony protocol - its going to be difficult to decentralize the system.
  3. we were computing them using facenet, and other open source programs to check liveliness ( links are attached ) they have an average accuracy of 99.2-99.5% compared to apple face id which is around 99.8%.

i should state we are working on other ideas on the harmony blockchain and once we make sure no one else is working on them is when we will be trying to implement them.

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Apologies for the delay Antony. With regards to this line: ā€œThe face ID team was to be managed by the core harmony protocolā€ ā€“ this is not something weā€™re looking to manage at the moment. We have also decommissioned the Chrome extension wallet recently and will be focusing on the 1Wallet / Timeless wallet. It also doesnā€™t qualify for a launch grant since thereā€™s no working product to launch on our mainnet, but it could be better proposed as a bounty.

You can propose this as a bounty and we can poll the community, though it does seem that our more technical community members, including Aaron who developed the 1Wallet technology, have voiced some concerns.

For now Iā€™ll have to decline the launch grant primarily since it doesnā€™t fit the criteria for it (working product). Thank you again Antony and I hope to see you in the forums and community channels!

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