Validator DAO – Payroll October 2021

To be fully transparent we will show every month our hours and pay out of Governors. For October we are a bit late and hope to improve our speed by November. Every transaction requires the signature of at least 6 elected governors. :closed_lock_with_key: No single governor can make a transaction by themselves :no_entry_sign: Our timesheet and all transactions are shown below :point_down:

Timesheet October Overview
Timesheet October Detailed

Transaction for @Abraham
Transaction for @BrotherOne
Transaction for @frwrdslosh
Transaction for @HankTheCrank
Transaction for @Maffaz
Transaction for @ONE4All
Transaction for @ben2k_Stakeridoo
Transaction for @Symphony.One
Transaction for @Altocryptotitus

We use the Multi-Sig wallet of Harmony which is transparent and you could join the Wallet in read mode by adding the safe under

Name of Safe: Harmony Validator DAO Treasury
Safe address: 0x13AA46E8c8378Bd4c4546962bb66935e7630364D

Owner of the Harmony Validator DAO Treasury:
Abraham 0x26f9072871add12dcA0d216F04Cdf610361CC186
Frwrdslosh | FarmonyONE 0xE76fF0CC2E48D89e839E6a720546Cfd6a11DCabA
HankTheCrank 0x65B69Da3D9Aa99cb81ECF908FB25656856c957A6
KevKellius | BrotherOne 0xb8E0aBb5Ae527137237567ddD167c338E541429e
Maffaz 0x08c4596B157EafAE5EC4E0fE629005Bab2a10C3D
One4All 0x24DAD6EfebBB491955b1eD2ae6d95a997D25b8f3
Benjamin | Stakeridoo 0x133763F7d93f2bC4241f9855F71bE5042f020A20 0xFDbF61d09bFAd5B38963369eaC44F26Fa83B8F73
Titus 0x3d1a3FFcA0a0DF2e311A86DE81e01bC2C026892e