Validator DAO – Payroll Term 3 - Q1 2022 - Week 5 & 6

To be fully transparent we will show every month our hours and pay out of Governors. Every transaction requires the signature of at least 6 elected governors. :closed_lock_with_key: No single governor can make a transaction by themselves :no_entry_sign: Our timesheet and all transactions are shown below :point_down:

Timesheet Week 5 & 6 Overview
Timesheet Week 5 & 6 Detailed

Transaction for @BrotherOne
Transaction for @CoinChowder
Transaction for @HankTheCrank
Transaction for @HoundOne_Validator
Transaction for @Maffaz
Transaction for @PeaceloveHarmony
Transaction for @ben2k_Stakeridoo
Transaction for @StrongMindsHold
Transaction for @ValidatorONE

For the Payroll and the discretionary budget, the monthly average of ONE/USDT= 0.157921205 was used.

We used the Multi-Sig wallet of Harmony which is transparent and you could join the Wallet in read mode by adding the safe under

Name of Safe: Harmony Validator DAO Treasury
Safe address: 0x13AA46E8c8378Bd4c4546962bb66935e7630364D

The multi-sig wallet is currently owned by the following 9 governor wallets:

CoinChowder 0x9a68F96C8cC59AFF169bE5417dE84930439873FD
HankTheCrank 0x65B69Da3D9Aa99cb81ECF908FB25656856c957A6
HoundOne 0xAcF55BeC11D38A1a13dAa13668032CaA2ca59c2D
BrotherOne 0xb8E0aBb5Ae527137237567ddD167c338E541429e 0x08c4596B157EafAE5EC4E0fE629005Bab2a10C3D
PeaceLoveHarmony 0x53d2ae319920Cf1Ea1Ef754e91150d6C356a815d
Stakeridoo 0x133763F7d93f2bC4241f9855F71bE5042f020A20
StrongMindsHold 0xd143988234dF9117f4Baa00b5f8D4A56d64e56eA 0x4bB58cFEa648593c88afBAD5e30C09eFE8783545