Hey Folks – I wanted to chime in and offer some feedback to help add clarification and move things forward. There’s quite a few good points here though I’m also noticing we (Harmony) can fill in some gaps.
RE: Validator Community Involvement
We’re looking for one-time volunteers for a handful of brainstorming sessions. We believe that two meetings, one hour each, would suffice and be enough to get version 1 of the initiative started. If no one wishes to volunteer, that’s okay too.
- No one from the validator community is obligated to help, so we hope that isn’t the feeling and we apologize that’s what came across. No one is expected to say “yes” - this is 100% optional.
The idea here is to work alongside a small group of 3 validators to ensure that our initial roll-out is done as fairly as possible with insightful feedback and not in a silo. The reason we ask for a small group is to help keep our conversations constructive, simple, and with the most efficient use of everyone’s time.
Our small think tank would construct a v1.0 plan – enough to get the ball rolling in the right direction. The think tank would disband once the first round is implemented. Harmony would then follow up in a quarter with revisions for improvement, adjust as needed, and then follow-up again the quarter after.
The volunteers can be the former Validator DAO, but that’s not something we wanted to decide on. If the community feels that former DAO members are best then great. If not, that’s fine as well so long as the temporary “representatives” / volunteers have the best interest of all validators in mind.
That all said, I would like to add that some other valid points have been raised but are outside the scope of this initiative, such as existing Harmony delegations. Personally I cannot speak to existing delegations but I agree this is a topic that should be discussed but in a separate thread, allowing us to stay on topic and focused.
RE: Rewards Distribution
How we handle rewards will be discussed once we have our total stake delegated using v1 plans. This is a critical component of the overall plan, but we’re tackling each one as separate efforts. Why? Because how we plan to use rewards is not dependent on our selection criteria for who receives foundation stake.
- We’ll roll out foundation stake (v1 plans), then begin a discussion with the general community on how that will be managed, but first we need to figure out part-1, staking.
RE: The Purpose (Not Just a Bandaid)
This is not a perfect solution that will resolve all problems around staking, validator elections, etc. Are there are additional improvements that should be discussed? Definitely, though we should do what we can now to address the immediate need to help validators who are going elected.
Folks in the thread nominated a number of community members.
We know that it’s added work to your plate and there is nothing wrong in saying you prefer to opt out. Your time is valued and appreciated, and it’s okay to say “I would rather not”.
To move things forward, I’ve created a poll below with the names mentioned above.
Please vote for three listed who you feel would present the best ideas and keep a constructive conversation.
Remember that v1 plans will not be perfect, and they will likely disappoint some people, but we hope to get started on something that is a) helpful to most and b) done as fairly as possible.
- PeaceLoveHarmony
- AffinityShard
- Jimbo_JCR
- HankTheCrank
- OgreAbroad
- ben2k_Stakeridoo
- TruckLuhDaKidz
Once more, v1 plans will not be perfect, and they will likely disappoint some people, but we hope to get started on something that is a) helpful to most and b) done as fairly as possible.
Thank you and I hope this adds some context and clarification.
Daniel Pagan
EDIT: We’ll close the vote tomorrow at 4PM PST and begin reaching out to the top three nominees. Friendly reminder, no one is obligate to assist and I do appreciate any time and energy you folks can offer.