April Deliverables | Tech and Ecosystem Highlights

Welcome Everyone and Happy Monday,

With April behind us, we would love to highlight some of the incredible work the team has completed this past month. For a more thorough rundown, feel free to check out our April deliverables page. With that said, let’s highlight the standout deliverables the team accomplished over the past 30 days.


Harmony Core team members Rongjian Lan and Leo Chan have provided a detailed breakdown for what the community can expect for the future. The Harmony protocol roadmap, written by RJ, Harmony CTO, covers three major topics; Features and Tools, Security and Decentralization, and Efficiency and Performance. Each section within the protocol roadmap looks at the short term (2022), mid term (early Q1 2023) and long term (late Q4 2023).

Leo provided a review of the Harmony decentralization roadmap, in which he reviews the three key pillars to decentralization. These include external validator voting power, service and application functions and governance voting.

BTC Bridge

Multiple team members continue to focus on the BTC Bridge at this time. Ganesha Upadhyaya has always touted security being the top priority within the crypto ecosystem. The rise of hacks, malware, and exploits are prime examples on why this process cannot be rushed. One such security measure comes from a 3/4 validator setup, which prevents any single entity from controlling the bridge. Furthermore, external validators are set to receive 24/7 service to support them as well as have better incentives and monitoring.


On the performance side, team member Soph Neou has been focusing on improving Harmony’s sharded database and improving both its read and write capabilities. Through upgrading its underlying architecture, the team was able to improve performance via splitting the original one leveldb into 32 to achieve this. Soph was also successful in deploying and integrating Cloudfares Load Balancing infrastructure to help reduce server latency and strain while improving the user experience.

In addition to Soph’s efforts, team member Jack Chan has successfully worked with Covalent to implement their product for indexing and querying solutions for blockchains with their unified API processes, providing developers full transparency across the network. Developers will be able to query NFT transactions, token balances, historical transactions as well as see contract metadata.

Gaming Partnerships

Lastly, Peter Abilla has been identifying and bringing partnerships to Harmony’s ecosystem. In April, Peter secured partnerships with XYZZY and game publisher and incubator GM Frens. More information to be released on each project in the near future as their games come to Harmony.

This only covers some of the highlights for April. Remember to check out the full list of milestones for more and we look forward to providing additional updates at the conclusion of each month. Thank you for being a part of the Harmony community and we look forward to hearing your feedback.

The Harmony Team :blue_heart:


Thank you so much to Harmony core team :pray: :sparkling_heart:

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Thank you for the technical and ecosystem highlights, Matt.