Name of Project
Proposal overview
[Our objective is to attract more developers to Harmony and make Harmony the most prosperous Dapp ecosystem. BlockVision is a one-stop development platform and on-chain data retrieval center for developers. It doesn’t only provide node services like Infura and Alchemy do, but also offers basic & enhanced FT & NFT APIs, Alerts, and most importantly, a development platform where developers can quickly debug & monitor the health of their Dapps with BlockVision’s Dashboard, Console, and Mempool. We have been stably running on 8 EVM chains. And we would like to support Harmony to improve the developing experiences of the ecosystem.
Apart from public chains, BlockVision also develops specific APIs for individual DApps, we have successfully launched AccountPosition APIs as well as APIs of Opensea and Uniswap on Ethereum, with more to come. BlockVision currently has 500+ users.]
Proposal ask
[We would like to apply for $150,000, with $25,000 / month to start with, which breaks down to
Running RPC nodes - $5,000
Dataset Storage - $5,000
Engineering costs - 10,000
Data indexing research - 5,000]
Metrics for success
[ Milestone 1: RPC node + Development toolkit
RPC node in stable operation & Development toolkit (Debugging console, API Monitoring & Analytics) and provide node service
Milestone 2: Mempool + Webhook
Allows developers to use Mempool and Webhook to track the transaction life cycle
Milestone 3: Alerts
Support Alerts to track wallet and NFT events
Milestone 4: FT APIs
FT APIs focused on the whole chain
Milestone 5: NFT APIs
NFT APIs focused on the whole chain
Milestone 6: Account position + contract stats API
Account position API and contract stats API for the Fantom ecosystem]
External links
Docs: Welcome to BlockVision - BlockVision
Features: Use Cases - BlockVision]