ChainScore - Trust Layer for DeFi


Proposal overview

At ChainScore, we are building the Trust layer for DeFi, with the use of credit analytics to evaluate the potential risks to mitigate losses. We have started with analyzing consumer risk with users’ credit and reputation scores, and assessing financial market risk which would provide accredited trust ratings for DeFi markets and assets.

Chainscore addresses the limitations of permission-less DeFi to evaluate consumer risk and reputation from multi-chain financial transactions, consumer financial data, exchange liquidity, counterparty risks, and service platform reputation which are examples of risk management metrics that involve numerous judgments and qualitative assessments. This would allow consumers and service providers real-time reputation and risk data for automating authorization decisions for financial transactions including Lending, Borrowing, Repaying Debt, Depositing in Vaults/Pools, and much more.

ChainScore’s long-term objective is to open up a wide range of Secondary DeFi markets that are not currently possible due to unknown risk and the inability to access cross-platform/cross-chain credit risk analytics.

The following would be the applications:

  • Lending/Borrowing using credit scores to verify users’ eligibility

  • Risk Rated Assets and Financial Markets

  • Structured Financial markets such as Syndicated Loans, Hybrid securities, Credit Default Swap (CDS), Collateralized bond obligations (CBOs), and Tranched Assets based on Risk

  • Tradable Debt on a P2P Loan exchange platform

  • Diversifying lender’s portfolio

ChainScore is powered by a decentralized network of data providers and oracle infrastructure.

The Chainscore Network provides an accessible, intuitive, and extensible interface for Financial Data Management and Risk Analytics through profound Scoring Algorithms and Machine Learning. Network services such as the Oracle Infrastructure, Keepers for automated smart contracts, and Encryption for preserving privacy could be used with it.

Web2 and Web3 Consumers would request credit risk data and analytics by sending requests through a Service Provider using their infrastructure or directly to our Network via our Chainscore client incentivized by $SCORE token.

ChainScore was founded at Harmony’s TradFi to DeFi Hackathon, where we had won first place under Track 10 (Cross Border) and ChainLink Track. We have received $50k Harmony’s launch grant and have completed 2/5 milestones.

We are currently raising funds to build our network and data infrastructure through our first seed round, our lead investor includes Big Brain Holdings.

Investment Memo

Please find our detailed investment memo below:

Pitch Deck

Proposal ask

300k USD

Metrics for success

Alpha Launch - Q1 2022

Analyzing Consumer Risk with PoA ChainScore Network with Credit Scores and Valuations,

Asset Prices, and multi-platform data, to be launched on testnets for multiple networks. We are currently live on Harmony Testnet

Network Launch - Q3 2022

Analyzing Financial Risk in DeFi with robust infrastructure and risk assessment algorithms.

Launch of Beta Network with the following specs –

● Decentralized ChainScore network

● Support for a wider range of Assets and Contracts

● Risk Assessment with ML-based data analytics

● Multi-platform and multi-chain data

Mainnet - Q1 2023

Launch of ChainScore Network

● Launch on Mainnet with stable network functionality and audited codebase.

● Token Generation Event (TGE)

External links

Pitch Deck: Chainscore pitchdeck .pdf - Google Drive

Investment Memo: Investment Memo.pdf - Google Drive




Discord: ChainScore


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For context, ChainScore has already received a Launch Grant Launches: ChainScore - Cross-chain DeFi Risk Scoring Protocol

Yes as we have mentioned in our proposal -

We have received $50k Harmony’s launch grant and have completed 2/5 milestones.
We are currently raising funds to build our network and data infrastructure through our first seed round

We are live on Testnet but we only have support for data from ETH Mainnet, which is due to our limiting data infrastructure. Building our multi-chain data infrastructure requires more resources, which is why we are raising funds. This would allow us to bring credit risk analytics data from 10’s of other blockchains to Harmony :rocket:
We are grateful for the previous grant and continued support from Harmony Team :blue_heart: and I hope that this is not a conflict of interest :crossed_fingers:

Let’s review this as part of the Harmony Venture Network program