Hi all,
Not sure where to put this topic so I figured I would start with the “tip of the sword”, “big brains”, “tech wizards”, aka you all, the Devs.
In regards to the Arb Spammer bots that are currently causing a nuisance;
I wonder if there is a way to implement an ever-increasing transaction cost to target attackers (be on the offense rather than just the defense once an attack is identified). For instance, if the TX payload is bare and repetitive, meaning, a shell of a transaction, nonsense, spam; then a mechanism could note the wallet address, time, GEO, etc, If the behavior continues and trips a barrier limit, “click” [notice to transactor = transaction cost is tripled to $*. or you must wait X amount of seconds before attempting an identical TX.**]…
Not sure how much of this would take place on a separate infrastructure (i.e Azure Functions and Logic Apps, AZ Automate, etc). Just food for thought.
Have a WONEderful day!