Curvy Finance

Name of Project / DAO / Company

Curvy Finance

Application type


Proposal overview is a decentralized currencies exchange. It allows the trading between coins like USD, EUR, etc… with minimum fees and slippage. It is the oldest project that is the building block of modern decentralized financial systems and now has been deployed to many blockchains including Harmony. This paper will show a project which is related to

A Protocol/Owned liquidity sells tokens as bonds. The current deployment does not support protocol/owned liquidity and therefore there is no incentive system to deploy new pools. We are willing to fix this and create incentivizing system that encourages to add liquidity to the pool and/or create new pools approved by the DAO.

Curve runs like the following ways:

Curve runs like the following ways:

  • There are some incentivised trading pair (like USDT-USDC-DAI) which allows user to exchange between those 3 coins without much impermanent-loss, and to do that, it needs enough amount of liquidity to the pool. To incentivize, they give depositors their own coin (CRV) to deposit in the form of yield farming.
  • Curve also allows custom trading pair to be generated and therefore the developer of a new project can also themselves create a trading pair for their own coin. There has to be trading possible for any coin to be valuable.

The problem with Curve on Harmony now is:

  • There are only two trading pool and there is no UI to produce more trading pools, which makes the whole advantages useless comparing to other chains like Polygon, Ethereum, Avalanche.
  • The UI is outdated and not user-friendly (

What we can do is to build a new UI app on top of the Curve smart contracts, which does the same features as the standard Curve app, but in a more user-friendly way. We will also extend the UI to support a custom trading pool, which allows more trading to be possible.

We will do the user acquisition using relevant social media channels, trying to achieve bigger market share. The DAO will use a Discord channel / server for communication. The community managers will first work on a voluntary basis but be incentivized with vested tokens that can later be converted.

Token details:

Ticket: CRVY

Total Supply: 1 000 000 000 tokens

Distribution: At first, 35% of the total supply will be minted:

10%: Developers team and community managers (vested gradually over 2 years)

15%: Development Treasury, used for creating initial liquidity for the CRVY token, used for marketing etc…

10%: Initial funds for bond sellings. These token will be distributed through selling CRVY-DAI LP

The vested tokens will be minted in the form of vCRVY, which can only be converted to CRVY gradually (there will be a contract to claim them)

The rest of total supply will be minted through Yield farming (listed above)

CRVY utilities:

All Custom factory pool maintained by CRVY will have the fee of 0.08% for each transactions, all of the fees are collected for CRVY holders (i.e holding CRVY will earn the trading fees). In order to earn the trading fee, users need to lock the CRVY token with vested period of 6 months each (lock into veCRVY token)

The vested tokens could be converted as real pool shares later. Jarvis, can you think about the vesting period and the details.


Technical lead & Development;

UX/UI Design;

Proposal ask

50k USD

Metrics for success


$10K after launching a feature-complete product on our testnet

$10K after forming a DAO with 5-out-of-9 multisig with our DAOs

$10K after launching on our mainnet with audit

$10K after 1K daily active users (with launch video, full PR promotion)

$10K after 10k daily active users (with a detailed roadmap, governance process)

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Welcome and good luck. Am I understanding it correctly that this is the exact same functions as curve, albeit with a better UI and user friendly tools?

Yes, and we will further improve the yield farming for custom curve pool by giving our new token as well. We are planning to give our new token to be revenue-earning (fees are collected from trades). The model can be similar to xViper or veCRV (to be decided)

Hi @RTF , thank you for your proposal. As we continue to review, do you mind elaborating on what aspects of the UI and tools you would improve? Do you have design examples you could show?
Given that the functionality is the same as curve, we’d be interested in gaining more clarity on your value proposition with the UI + “friendly” tools.

Looking forward to your response!

Hi @gabby

Our first mission is to drive more liquidity to harmony curve given its extremely efficient, low-slippage swaps, while also build a new UI for Curve swap since the current UI in our opinion can be improved much further. We also don’t want to run a fork due to the fragmentation of liquidity. Hence we are only building on top of existing curve smart contracts. Here are what we are planning:

  • Introduce yield farming that staking curve LP tokens will be rewarded with our new governance tokens

  • The governance token when staked will earn the curve LP fees (75% of the fee that is earned from curve LP tokens). The governance token can also be staked to vote on managing emission of each LP rewards.

  • Collaborate with existing player in Harmony ecosystem

  • Qi dao + WAGMIDao to start driving liquidity of their stable coins in Harmony (MAI + FAM)

  • Euphoria with their existing treasury to initiate liquidity bootstrapping, and they in exchange got more say in the governance of this project.

We are still working on the mock-up design at the moment, unfortunately.

Hi, sorry for the delayed update, here is our very first draft of our d-app mock-ups:

Hi @RTF , thank you for outlining some more detail for the planning. The mock-up is also looking great.
Upon reviewing this further with the grant committee, however, we’re concerned on the naming of this project, given that it has functionality similar to Curve, and they are also our current Partner.
Given that your UI will be different and are also planning to implement different collaborations/functionality, would you consider renaming your project into something more unique?

Hi @gabby , after discussing with the team, I think we can change the project name to “Fluro Swap”. The reasoning behind is: Fluro - Derived from fluorescence - the property of an object to absorb light and emit another light with different wavelength (kinda like swapping).

Sounds good. For the next steps then, please submit a new proposal with the new name/terms, as well as update the mockup with the new branding. Looking forward to it @RTF

Hi! Thank you for the updates! We are making a new proposal asap

@gabby The new proposal has now been published: Fluro Swap
Looking forward to hearing from you.

Thanks we’ll close this out and it’s on @gabby’s radar now.