Partners: Launch Curve on Harmony

Name of Project


Proposal overview

Harmony is proposing to work with the Curve to deploy Curve on the Harmony blockchain. This will expand stablecoin swap to its community of users and provide incentives to bootstrap the launch of Curve to a new ecosystem.

Proposal ask

$2 million in ONEs

Harmony invites the Curve community to support this launch. Harmony will provide $2 million in incentives in ONE tokens to bootstrap initial usage of Curve on Harmony. We also propose the Curve community to contribute CRV tokens to add incentives to the launch.

In addition to token incentives, we will be investing heavily in co-marketing and educating users through tutorials, videos, and community-led support.

Metrics for success

External links

Community Poll

  • Yes
  • No
  • More info needed
0 voters

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approved to go ahead.

first tranche of rewards: Harmony Blockchain Explorer

second tranche of rewards: Harmony Blockchain Explorer