ETH->ONE #IndieNFT Bridge Initiative

After reviewing this Grant with other governors, I now believe we should create a Multisig Wallet and ask that 9 current DAO Governors volunteer to hold the funds and help decide which projects should receive the funds.

This way the funds stay bound to be used for this specific grant proposal and the requirements of giving the funds away to valuable projects doesn’t get tied to an already busy Community DAO.

I am now asking that all currently elected DAO Governors from the #funding-proposals:daos #governance:developer-dao #governance:creative-dao #governance:validator #governance:incubator-dao #governance:community involved in any aspects of the NFT world consider allocating some time help allocate funding to non-Harmony EVM NFT projects…

Simply reply to this thread if you’re interested in helping deploy this grant to smaller NFT Creators.
or reply to this thread if you are a DAO Governor and have feedback about this Grant.

Also, Please reply to this thread if you’re a smaller NFT Creator and request a part of the for your project.

@Bricktop_One @StrongMindsHold @BrotherOne @Harmonious_Dude @HarmonyCommunityDAO @HarmonyCreativeDAO @HarmonyValidatorDAO @harmony_dev_dao

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