Extending Kalamint to Harmony

Name of Project


Proposal overview

Kalamint was the second NFT marketplace to go-live on Tezos on March 23rd, 2021. The marketplace has achieved considerable success since its inception. We would like to extend Kalamint to support Harmony thereby benefitting our existing user base.

What stage of the product or idea are you (and your team) at? Is it live on Harmony and/or another chain? How many active users do you currently have, or aim to acquire? How much funding do you need? What are your milestones? What help do you need, or what gaps are there in your team?]

Proposal ask


Metrics for success

We aim to achieve grant - to - go-live on Harmony in 2 months

External links

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Thank you for submitting a proposal to Harmony’s $300M Ecosystem Fund. Allow me to be your representative on behalf of the Grants committee. We are in the process of reviewing your proposal.

If you have more details to add, please do so by replying to this thread. We would also love :blue_heart: to have the Harmony community participate to ask questions and provide feedbacks.

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@Sandeep_Sangli is there going to be a bridge built between Tezos and Harmony? Curious to know what’s the cross chain strategy here, or if there’s any.

Hello @Sandeep_Sangli –

I just wanted to drop in quickly and say “Hi”. I enjoyed our conversations in Denver and I look forward to seeing Kalamint running on Harmony.



Hello Jacksteroo,

For cross chain bridging of NFTs we are in touch with XP Network. Our current strategy is to help our existing community to have the option to minting on Harmony as well. So, once we integrate, our community will have the option to mint on Harmony as well via Kalamint. Essentially, we believe that the community will have a better reach and also the option to mint on one more chain. We think it adds value to our existing community in the long run.

Kalamint Team

Hi @Sandeep_Sangli -

Looking forward to this project. We’d love :blue_heart: to see weekly updates on this thread, to keep the community posted on this proposal’s progress!

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