Name of Project
Proposal overview
UniDex is a trading terminal designed to improve the user experience in the DeFi ecosystem. UniDex offers traders the ability to conduct limit orders, swap aggregation, derivates aggregation, chart/data aggregation, and pretty much anything else you can think of being useful for trading being aggregated. Our goal is to create a playground for traders to fully express themselves without damaging their portfolios by offering the best rate on anything they swap or interact with.
So far we have active 100-day traders and come go (7day average) of 600 weekly traders. Our tools like charting, limit orders, and aggregation are helping users around all blockchains. Our platform is already live on multiple other blockchains with our full stack of products available found below
Our goal is to provide traders on harmony where the number of DEX’s are growing, with a strong aggregation platform so anyone on harmony can swap at the best rate. Not to mention use safer tools for entry and exit trades like limit orders to encourage fewer gambles during this volatile market.
Currently, we’re in an expansionary phase looking to gain more users and adoption in the DeFi ecosystem. We’ve been live for a year now and have evolved our product and adapted our market fit but still, carry the original goal of serving traders. We plan to make this the premier swap platform on harmony for traders instead of swapping inefficiently on single DEX applications or having multiple tabs for charts, swaps, trade data.
For full transparency, we hope this to be the outcome for all networks as we are live on 10 networks already, but our most popular networks are fast & low fee networks like harmony.
We’re asking for $50,000 to help fund marketing, trading campaigns like competitions, backend deployments, and running graph nodes ( need to be hosted on a dedicated server for fast non-rate limited trade data ). Our weakest link is marketing as we’re all mostly DEVs that love to code and build tools but don’t speak the same language as savvy marketers.
Proposal ask
Metrics for success
- Deployment on harmony for limit orders, trade data for multicharts/transactions, graph nodes running.
- Deployment of swap aggregation across all dexs on harmony so far.
- Our 1000th limit order fill ( indicates healthy adoption of users using limit orders like on CEX exchanges, but also fewer degen trades because theyre set at conservative entry and exit points ).
External links
Website -
Dapp -
Youtube - UniDex Exchange Youtube
Twitter - @UniDexFinance