Harmony logo in metamask

Hi everyone. Great to be part of the future of blockchain and future of DAO.

Is there a way to request the harmony team/metamask team to add the harmony logo in metamask? I’ve read that this is something the developers of the blockchain have to provide to the metamask team.

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I believe the addition of this would help improve brand affinity in a small way : )

Can you share that link? Haven’t seen that not even for BSC. I would love that.

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Here is the lunk-

I found it in this reddit thread -

Currently, you can in fact see the BNB logo on BSC in metamask

Cool thanks. I’ll check it out in further details within the next days!

Sorry, for the late reply. The token application you posted was discontinued:

This repository is effectively frozen. We recommend that developers of new tokens use EIP 747 to ask ...

Furthermore it was meant for Tokens, not for Coins. Tokens are the currency deployed on a chain, and Coins are the native currency of the chain.

After further investigation: ETH and BSC are hardcoded in MetaMask.
I tried to create a pull request. But unfortunately, I cannot compile the extension.