I’m using the https://rpc.s0.t.hmny.io API to get transaction data from blocks. I use the hmyv2_getBlockByNumber to get top-level transaction data and then hmy_getLogs to LogEvents.
In responses from hmyv2_getBlockByNumber the to/from addresses are in the bech32 format (one...), but all addresses in the logs are hex (0x...).
Will this always be the case or does Harmony plan to convert all addresses to bech32 format?
Thank you. Converting it is no problem, I’m already doing that with this npm package. I’m just wondering if there will be breaking changes in the future. I don’t quite understand why top level addresses in the from/to of hmyv2_getBlockByNumber are bech32 but everything else is hex. We just convert to hex for our own sanity/ease