Kanga Team Check-in Sep 26th

> Team name

> Chosen hackathon track/s


  • Chainlink: Price Oracles In Lending Protocol (Troop)
  • Terra: StableCoins for Settlement Pools and Use in Lending Protocol (Troop)

> What did you work on this week?

This is our first check in, so below is a summary of work done thus far.

Kanga - AMM functionality - Track 1

  • Deployed Kanga Frontend on Harmony Testnet at https://demo.kanga.finance
  • Created Testing documentation for developers at https://testing.kanga.finance
  • Provided testing information to Harmony OneWallet Team and CrossChain API team for bridging liquidity.
  • Research and Discovery on Hummingbot and it’s integration with Kanga Liquidity Provider Strategies, Optimized Asset Custody, Asset Custodian Market Making and Arbitrage.

Simple Bridging of Assets to Harmony - Track 2

  • Shared our Roadmap for Jump a solution for easy deposit of assets from multiple chains into kanga liquidity pools on harmony. Design is here
  • Provided testing information to Harmony CrossChain API team of Kanga Liquidity Pools and Tokens.

NFT LaunchPad and Bridging- Track 3

  • Review of NFT Bridging Bounty and added it tour our NFT Launchpad Design
  • Initial Design of NFT LaunchPad including functionality and codebase reviews
  • Reach out to the timeless team and Harmony NFT team to discuss collaboration.

Kanga - One Wallet Integration - Track 6

  • Reviewed potential integration of OneWallet with kanga frontend.
  • Provided testing information to Harmony OneWallet Team and discussed integrating Kanga into the OneWallet for swaps

Lending(Troop) and Price Oracle Bonding Curves (Wallabies) - Challenge Chainlink

  • Reviewed ChainLink Integration and design for Lending Protocol
  • Added Oracle Based Pricing Curves into Roadmap

Lending and Settlement using StableCoins - Challenge Terra

  • Created dummy UST Token for further use in settlement and lending functionality.
  • Reviewed configuration of multiple Terra Bridge pools for settlement
  • Reviewed design for Lending Protocol with Terra being used as a Stablecoin which may be lent using collateral from Harmony Native Token and HRC20 tokens launched on Harmony Platform.

> What are you hoping to complete by next week?
We are currently working on the following

  • We have two days of coding left where we will work on Token Holder Rewards, One Wallet Integration
  • Preparation of Demo Video
  • Making our github repositories relevant to the hackathon public.

> Are you blocked by anything?

  • Development blockers are mainly internal not harmony platform related.

> How can Harmony core team help?

  • Feedback on Product Fit
  • Advice on any items that will enhance eligibility for awards.
  • Follow up discussion on item not complete by the end of the Hackathon and transferring them into potential bounties.
  • We will also reach out on our Launch Process and eligiblity for the Launch Program and the concept of our DAO.