Kreadive Dao

Kreadive Dao

Proposal overview

  • Within many communities in Brazil where people live with income less than $250 US dollars per month there is tremendous potential for blockchain, Web3 and Defi to make life changing impacts. We at KREADIVE DAO want to be the catalyst for onboarding and empowering people to have the same opportunities.
  • What is the problem we are trying to solve?
    • Bring awareness and local resources to
    • Introduce / onboard disadvantaged groups into Web3
    • Advance economic inclusion through blockchain in Latin America
  • Why are we choosing a DAO to structure this organization?
    • Decentralized Autonomous Organizations are emerging to be the preferred organizational type for Web3 / blockchain projects. We have chosen this to help grow the awareness of our mission globally and have it become part of the educational process for local communities we assist through our programs.
    • Communities that we assist will be given KRE HRC 20 tokens, a zero value social token to learn how to use crypto wallets with future use cases to be developed.
    • Each NFT sold through any KREADIVE DAO photojournalism project will allow the holder to be a support member of our DAO.


To make a positive impact to economically distressed local communities in Latin America through photojournalism projects linked with Web3 education.

Starting with Brazil

A cara do Rio

A cara do Rio Archives - MAD | NFT

“A cara do Rio” – Photojournalism NFT Project supporting local businesses in Rio de Janeiro and onboarding them onto Web3. 60% of revenue goes to artists and Favela small businesses and 40% will go to the Kreadive DAO. Gilmar, a Rio local business…

KREADIVE DAO launched in March 2022 during ETH Rio hackathon event with “A cara do Rio” photojournalism NFT project. 60% of revenue goes to favela businesses and 40% to KREADIVE DAO. Gilmar, a Rio local business tour guide in Roçinha Favela, was recommended to our group by Camila Soares from Impacto.

Founding Team

Our DAOs founding team will consist of one local Brazilian artist / photographer William Caldeira from Espirito Santo. Although WIlliam is completely new to blockchain / Web3 he believes that it could be a catalyst for positive change in Brazilian local communities.

Aminta Paiz is a talented photographer and creative director based in Miami from Guatemala. She brings in addition to her visual arts skills, management of creative teams, and experience working in DAOs.

Craig Holmberg is an experienced Web3 / blockchain and also extensive experience in DAOs being a founding member of multiple DAOs with extensive knowledge of DAO tooling and governance / treasury / compensation models.

With this team in place we will ensure the DAO is formed properly and good systems are put into place for the long term success of the project. Also, educational assistance will be provided by Black Leaders DAO, another DAO launching here at ETH Rio.

DAO Roadmap


  • Launched our first NFT photojournalism project “A cara do Rio” during ETH Rio 2022 hackathon, winning a prize at the event. All photos shot in one day in Roçinha Favela.

Immediate Steps

  • Promote our first activation an NFT Project - A cara do Rio
    • 60% of NFT sales go directly to the Roçinha Favela small businesses.
    • 40% goes to the KREADIVE DAO.
  • Connect founding member William Caldeira with contacts and resources to learn about Web3.
  • Setup Initial DAO Tools
    • Gnosis Multisig wallet with 3 signers
    • Snapshot (or alternative interim voting / DAO platform)
    • Instagram
    • Telegram
  • Interim DAO structure
    • Documents
      • *Interim documents are scheduled to expire in 90 days from DAO formation to allow the DAO to begin operations with clarity as they move to attract new members.
      • Interim Governance
        • Outline the voting requirements logistics, including quorum, days to announce and keep voting open.
        • Establish basic framework for rules of order
      • Interim Treasury
        • Establish signers that will be on the initial multisig wallet.
        • Initial allocations to short term funding.
        • Requirements for initial DAO budget.
    • Voting
      • First vote after founding members to join the DAO will be to ratify the DAO mission.
      • Second vote will be to approve the interim documents.


The team will develop a structure to create a social token that can be used to promote the support of the project, increasing the intrinsic value of NFT collections, creating powers of governance, economics and benefits.

In the ecosystem of the project, the token can be a mechanism to control the governance participation, creation of liquidity pools and rewards systems, like stake. The token also can be used to give access members exclusive services and other forms to use advantages that can be built.

Beyond this, the social token can be an asset to quantification and analysis of performance, tasks, objectives and proposals.

Initial supply structure:

10,000,000 - KRE (HRC-20 token)

  • 60% KREADIVE DAO Community Treasury
  • 25% Locals in Project Communities
  • 10% Core Team (Current / Future)
  • 5% Airdrop to early members / contributors

Short Term (3 months or less)

  • Develop key performance metrics to evaluate the success and effectiveness of the DAO.
    • Automatic Dissolution Clause - Minimal threshold objectives to meet or the DAO will be dissolved.
  • Present the DAO for a Harmony seed funding grant of $10,000 USD.
  • Research appropriate Brazilian entity structure for the DAO.
    • Consult with Brazilian attorneys about setting up a foundation, non-profit, or COOP type to protect members from legal liability.
  • Research economic model for DAO Treasury
    • Evaluate if NFT sales could fully support DAO operations
    • Consider social token rewarding DAO members.
  • Ratify final Governance / Treasury documents for the DAO.
  • April - July 2022
    • William Caldeira learns Web3/English.

Medium Term (3 - 6 months)

  • Begin campaign to onboard other photographers / photojournalists.
  • Plan one additional photojournalism project.
    • Potentially Quilombolas in Espirito Santo which originally was a settlement of escaped African slaves that were thought to be extinct but rediscovered in the 1970s.
  • Review / research additional DAO tools that may be appropriate.

Long Term (6 or more months)

  • Consider proceeding to request additional funding ($50,000 - $100,000 USD) to continue KREADIVE DAO, change or dissolve this project.
  • Establish DAO organizational roles and contributor contribution levels.
    • Level 1 Commitment - 1-4 hours per week
    • Level 2 Commitment - 5-10 hours per week
    • Level 3 Commitment - >10 hours per week.
  • Develop a contribution tracking system.
  • Execute the second NFT photojournalism project.
  • Plan future NFT projects
  • September - October 2022
    • Onboarding other teachers / leaders.
  • November - December 2022
    • Change governance to Brazilian members’ emphasis on photographers.

What is the impact we are going to make in each of the communities at time?

KREADIVE DAO will be hyper focussed on helping local leaders in the community to help onboard them so they can become teachers to others to enter Web3. Funds will be made available to them for assistance with local issues and training for understanding blockchain to pay forward. We are starting with the onboarding of our founding member and photojournalist William Caldeira. He will take notes to pass onto future leaders developing within the communities we support.

KREADIVE DAO will network with other DAOs that specialize in Web3 training in local languages and connect them to local leaders. Including connections with Black Leaders DAO, BlockchainInTheClassroom DAO and Blockchain Press Club DAO.

Proposal ask

Initial Funding Request

$10,000 USD

Funding Budget

$6000 DAO Treasury
$2500 Second Photojournalism NFT Project
$2000 Photographic Equipment (Camera, Len(s)) for William
$1000 Laptop (Photo editing) for William
$500 DAO Tooling / Software / Equipment
$2000 William Caldeira Founding member to subsidize income while learning DAO / Web3.
*April to July 2022 ($500 per month)
$1000 Aminta Paiz Founding photographer advising mission, creative direction, and DAO process
$1000 Craig Holmberg Founding member to advise DAO structure, tokenomics, governance and treasury management.

Metrics for success

Key Metrics

  • Quality of education provided to local leaders as measured by Web3 competence and ability to communicate to others within their local community.
    • Basic Measures
      • Awareness of non-custodial crypto wallet security
      • Demonstrate ability to / recover a wallet from a secret phrase.
      • Has the ability to make blockchain transactions.
      • Can stake / unstake crypto assets on chain.
    • Advanced Measures
      • Ability to teach basic blockchain concepts to others clearly in local languages.
  • Documentation of impact KREADIVE DAO has made in local communities, qualitative through reviews, surveys, and testimonials from those directly engaged with the projects.
  • of unique wallets holding KREADIVE DAO NFTs
  • of wallets holding KRE HRC20 token

External links

Kreadive Dao

Proposal overview

  • Within many communities in Brazil where people live with income less than $250 US dollars per month there is tremendous potential for blockchain, Web3 and Defi to make life changing impacts. We at KREADIVE DAO want to be the catalyst for onboarding and empowering people to have the same opportunities.
  • What is the problem we are trying to solve?
    • Bring awareness and local resources to
    • Introduce / onboard disadvantaged groups into Web3
    • Advance economic inclusion through blockchain in Latin America
  • Why are we choosing a DAO to structure this organization?
    • Decentralized Autonomous Organizations are emerging to be the preferred organizational type for Web3 / blockchain projects. We have chosen this to help grow the awareness of our mission globally and have it become part of the educational process for local communities we assist through our programs.
    • Communities that we assist will be given KRE HRC 20 tokens, a zero value social token to learn how to use crypto wallets with future use cases to be developed.
    • Each NFT sold through any KREADIVE DAO photojournalism project will allow the holder to be a support member of our DAO.


To make a positive impact to economically distressed local communities in Latin America through photojournalism projects linked with Web3 education.

Starting with Brazil

A cara do Rio


A cara do Rio Archives - MAD | NFT

“A cara do Rio” – Photojournalism NFT Project supporting local businesses in Rio de Janeiro and onboarding them onto Web3. 60% of revenue goes to artists and Favela small businesses and 40% will go to the Kreadive DAO. Gilmar, a Rio local business…

KREADIVE DAO launched in March 2022 during ETH Rio hackathon event with “A cara do Rio” photojournalism NFT project. 60% of revenue goes to favela businesses and 40% to KREADIVE DAO. Gilmar, a Rio local business tour guide in Roçinha Favela, was recommended to our group by Camila Soares from Impacto.

Founding Team

Our DAOs founding team will consist of one local Brazilian artist / photographer William Caldeira from Espirito Santo. Although WIlliam is completely new to blockchain / Web3 he believes that it could be a catalyst for positive change in Brazilian local communities.

Aminta Paiz is a talented photographer and creative director based in Miami from Guatemala. She brings in addition to her visual arts skills, management of creative teams, and experience working in DAOs.

Craig Holmberg is an experienced Web3 / blockchain and also extensive experience in DAOs being a founding member of multiple DAOs with extensive knowledge of DAO tooling and governance / treasury / compensation models.

With this team in place we will ensure the DAO is formed properly and good systems are put into place for the long term success of the project. Also, educational assistance will be provided by Black Leaders DAO, another DAO launching here at ETH Rio.

DAO Roadmap


  • Launched our first NFT photojournalism project “A cara do Rio” during ETH Rio 2022 hackathon, winning a prize at the event. All photos shot in one day in Roçinha Favela.

Immediate Steps

  • Promote our first activation an NFT Project - A cara do Rio
    • 60% of NFT sales go directly to the Roçinha Favela small businesses.
    • 40% goes to the KREADIVE DAO.
  • Connect founding member William Caldeira with contacts and resources to learn about Web3.
  • Setup Initial DAO Tools
    • Gnosis Multisig wallet with 3 signers
    • Snapshot (or alternative interim voting / DAO platform)
    • Instagram
    • Telegram
  • Interim DAO structure
    • Documents
      • *Interim documents are scheduled to expire in 90 days from DAO formation to allow the DAO to begin operations with clarity as they move to attract new members.
      • Interim Governance
        • Outline the voting requirements logistics, including quorum, days to announce and keep voting open.
        • Establish basic framework for rules of order
      • Interim Treasury
        • Establish signers that will be on the initial multisig wallet.
        • Initial allocations to short term funding.
        • Requirements for initial DAO budget.
    • Voting
      • First vote after founding members to join the DAO will be to ratify the DAO mission.
      • Second vote will be to approve the interim documents.


The team will develop a structure to create a social token that can be used to promote the support of the project, increasing the intrinsic value of NFT collections, creating powers of governance, economics and benefits.

In the ecosystem of the project, the token can be a mechanism to control the governance participation, creation of liquidity pools and rewards systems, like stake. The token also can be used to give access members exclusive services and other forms to use advantages that can be built.

Beyond this, the social token can be an asset to quantification and analysis of performance, tasks, objectives and proposals.

Initial supply structure:

10,000,000 - KRE (HRC-20 token)

  • 60% KREADIVE DAO Community Treasury
  • 25% Locals in Project Communities
  • 10% Core Team (Current / Future)
  • 5% Airdrop to early members / contributors

Short Term (3 months or less)

  • Develop key performance metrics to evaluate the success and effectiveness of the DAO.
    • Automatic Dissolution Clause - Minimal threshold objectives to meet or the DAO will be dissolved.
  • Present the DAO for a Harmony seed funding grant of $10,000 USD.
  • Research appropriate Brazilian entity structure for the DAO.
    • Consult with Brazilian attorneys about setting up a foundation, non-profit, or COOP type to protect members from legal liability.
  • Research economic model for DAO Treasury
    • Evaluate if NFT sales could fully support DAO operations
    • Consider social token rewarding DAO members.
  • Ratify final Governance / Treasury documents for the DAO.
  • April - July 2022
    • William Caldeira learns Web3/English.

Medium Term (3 - 6 months)

  • Begin campaign to onboard other photographers / photojournalists.
  • Plan one additional photojournalism project.
    • Potentially Quilombolas in Espirito Santo which originally was a settlement of escaped African slaves that were thought to be extinct but rediscovered in the 1970s.
  • Review / research additional DAO tools that may be appropriate.

Long Term (6 or more months)

  • Consider proceeding to request additional funding ($50,000 - $100,000 USD) to continue KREADIVE DAO, change or dissolve this project.
  • Establish DAO organizational roles and contributor contribution levels.
    • Level 1 Commitment - 1-4 hours per week
    • Level 2 Commitment - 5-10 hours per week
    • Level 3 Commitment - >10 hours per week.
  • Develop a contribution tracking system.
  • Execute the second NFT photojournalism project.
  • Plan future NFT projects
  • September - October 2022
    • Onboarding other teachers / leaders.
  • November - December 2022
    • Change governance to Brazilian members’ emphasis on photographers.

What is the impact we are going to make in each of the communities at time?

KREADIVE DAO will be hyper focussed on helping local leaders in the community to help onboard them so they can become teachers to others to enter Web3. Funds will be made available to them for assistance with local issues and training for understanding blockchain to pay forward. We are starting with the onboarding of our founding member and photojournalist William Caldeira. He will take notes to pass onto future leaders developing within the communities we support.

KREADIVE DAO will network with other DAOs that specialize in Web3 training in local languages and connect them to local leaders. Including connections with Black Leaders DAO, BlockchainInTheClassroom DAO and Blockchain Press Club DAO.

Proposal ask

Initial Funding Request

$10,000 USD

Funding Budget

$6000 DAO Treasury
$2500 Second Photojournalism NFT Project
$2000 Photographic Equipment (Camera, Len(s)) for William
$1000 Laptop (Photo editing) for William
$500 DAO Tooling / Software / Equipment
$2000 William Caldeira Founding member to subsidize income while learning DAO / Web3.
*April to July 2022 ($500 per month)
$1000 Aminta Paiz Founding photographer advising mission, creative direction, and DAO process
$1000 Craig Holmberg Founding member to advise DAO structure, tokenomics, governance and treasury management.

Metrics for success

Key Metrics

  • Quality of education provided to local leaders as measured by Web3 competence and ability to communicate to others within their local community.
    • Basic Measures
      • Awareness of non-custodial crypto wallet security
      • Demonstrate ability to / recover a wallet from a secret phrase.
      • Has the ability to make blockchain transactions.
      • Can stake / unstake crypto assets on chain.
    • Advanced Measures
      • Ability to teach basic blockchain concepts to others clearly in local languages.
  • Documentation of impact KREADIVE DAO has made in local communities, qualitative through reviews, surveys, and testimonials from those directly engaged with the projects.
  • of unique wallets holding KREADIVE DAO NFTs
  • of wallets holding KRE HRC20 token

External links


I approve - Project Y

I am very excited to see what’s in store for Kreadive DAO! WIlliam has a heart of gold and great photography skills. He now knows how to mint NFT on MAD NFT and has two angels Craig and Aminta guiding him through this process!

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Kreative DAO produced BEAUTIFUL photos at EthRio and won the hackathon. Looking forward to seeing more amazing NFT assets!

Funded & congratulations to William, Craig and Aminta!