Black Leaders DAO

Black Leaders DAO

Proposal overview

What is BlackLeadersDAO?

BlackLeadersDAO is on a mission to advance the next generation of Black leaders around the world. We aim to provide access, support, and the knowledge required so communities of Black people with a background of vulnerability, and with a focus on womxn leaders, can access the tools of blockchain and web3.

Due to systemic issues related to historic inequality, the Black community has been underserved across all industries. The BlackLeadersDAO goal is to increase the representation of Black people as leaders within their chosen industry. Our mission is for the DAO to be self-sustainable by providing liquidity to different protocols and receiving recurring income from liquidity pool fees. We are launching the $BLK social token to enable small and local Black businesses to benefit from our ecosystem.

Who are our 3 initial governors of our DAO?

Daphne Charles is a senior software engineer and blockchain developer from New York City. She will assist BlackLeadersDAO by contributing to the technical projects and developing the website, smart contracts, and NFTs on the blockchain.

Diego Moraes is a journalist from the state of Rio, He works for Globo, which is the main televesion channel here in Brazil. He is very dedicated in combating system racist issues in Brazil. He produces a lot of media content centering the black community in Rio.

Melonie Brown is from Brooklyn, New York is a project coordinator with a financial literacy organization. She will contribute to BlackLeadersDAO by creating educational programs and content to instill financial literacy mindset in local communities.

What problems does BlackLeadersDAO seek to solve?

There are several differences between how black people experience the world from country to country, but the scars of black slavery are shared between every single black person. One of the main aspects of those scars is the isolation of black people among themselves and among other communities around the globe. Isolation causes illness, poverty and death. We are devoted to be a tool to fight and surpass this situation.

What are our 3 mandates?

  1. Educate - Providing education and onboarding to the tech industry and web3 ****
  2. Build - Build generational wealth through sustainable financial strategies
  3. Empower - Turning local black leadership, in poor communities, into a reference of opportunity for small business

How can web3 help us solve these problems?

One of our maing goals is build an ecosystem of international services (consultants, lawyers, accountants, teachers, developers, etc) where small business allied with black leadership will access the benefits of partner with local black leadership who coordinate projects to help poor people to have success (not only financially).

Outside blockchain and web3 we would face the high cost of existing among several different countries with their own law, politics and law inforcement. But with DeFi we can reduce that cost to the point it turns viable.

A part from the economy perspecitve, the governance of such a big organization still a challenge. This is where the DAO as a model of governance and transparency come in as one of the most sophisticated systems of governance currently available. It provides an ecosystem where people can experiment with new ways to build consensus with big groups, aligned with DeFi it can provide even new structures of financial sustainability.

Why is BlackLeadersDAO relevant to Rio de Janeiro and Brazil?

More than half of the population of Brazil identifies as Black. Equality is an important issue in the city of Rio de Janeiro. Many Afro-Brazilians lived in quilombos which were created by African people who escaped slavery, and are descendants of these exploited communities. The quilombos are the origins of the favelas, which we still see today. Because of growing up in these impoverished conditions, many Black families in Brazil do not have equal access to education, housing, employment, and wealth. BlackLeadersDAO wants to address these systemic issues by empowering the next generations of Black leaders.

Because of growing up in these impoverished conditions, many Black families in Brazil do not have equal access to education, housing, employment, and wealth. BlackLeadersDAO wants to address these systemic issues by empowering the next generations of Black leaders.

Rio de Janeiro is also a rich city, a city where the culture from the Favelas (the music, the literatura, the community, the slang, etc) enrich the whole place bringing more tourism and commercial activities. But the black and poor people from the Favelas are not benefiting fairly from this contribuition, so what BlackLeadersDAO aim to do is to empower the local black leadership so they can help their communities to have a fair share of that value.

How will Project Y help?

BlackLeadersDAO is seeking 10,000 in funding through Project Y at ETHRio for our 3 governor DAO during the Ethereum Rio conference and hackathon. We already have a 3 governor multi-sig wallet set up on Harmony, and minted 10 billion $BLK social tokens. We also completed our first educational event during the Ethereum Rio conference, educating Blu3 DAO scholars on liquidity pools, staking, stablecoins, and DAO sustainability.

Our Proposed Budget

With this initial 10,000 we will be able to set up these essential structures required for our DAO and our pilot program in Rio de Janeiro over the next month:

  • Dedicate our 3 governors as core team members to work on the DAO part-time (5 hours a week) - $4500
  • Creating the Black Leaders NFT collection, and minting NFTs with art from the Museu de Favela and portraits of local leaders - $2000
  • Create a platform and database for Museu do Favela that allows the guests to continue engaging with the community and be able to support it even after they have left - $1100
  • Social media management tools (Twitter Blue, Hootsuite) - $100
  • Productivity software (G Suite Professional, Canva, Calendly) - $100
  • Web hosting and domains (ETH, Google Domains, Webflow) - $200
  • Setting up on-chain and off-chain voting (Aragon, Snapshot) - $1000
  • Blockchain management and fees - $1000

How will we fund our DAO long-term?

  1. Provide diversity, equity, and inclusion consulting to corporations, web3 companies, start-ups and other organizations to educate and provide frameworks to their employees on how to be anti-racist and work to empower black leaders. (JEDI Consultants).
  2. Building an ecosystem of international services linked to our token that will bring small business as partners.
  3. Managing our own assets with tools as liquidity pools, yield farming, and staking.
  4. Provide services linked to tokenization for artists and communities to launch NFTs and other web3 projects.

DAO Sustainability Model

Liquidity Pools

Liquidity pools make sure that the transactions will happen as fast as possible through people’s assets. In a liquidity pool, anybody can be a Market Maker, in this case, an Autonomous Market Maker - AMM. When a buyer is looking for somebody to sell, that can take a while, with the liquidity pool, all the assets deposited by the AMM will be there for the transaction to happen with no need to wait until finding the other part to complete the transaction.

The AMM is rewarded with a part of the cost of the fee that the DEX is charging, the DEX gets the liquidity that it needs to your users and the users won’t have to wait until finding the other part to complete the transaction.

Through this mechanism, we can have constant incomes with the fees from the liquidity pool and help the system provide liquidity.

Anyone who is familiarized with the liquidity market knows that the earnings from the liquidity operations with stable coins are small compared with the ones with different assets, but, at the same time they provide long-term stability towards impermanent loss.

That’s why every project we’ll be provided with a consultant, formed by Black DAO Leaders, to help to keep the tokenomics as a healthy structure for liquidity instead of a trap.

Social Token and Tokenomics

We have launched 10 billion $BLK social tokens to provide transparency and liquidity to local Black communities.

The token will be granted to the local black leadership to give it to the small business (not exclusively black owned small business) who ally to help some project in the community.

So the token will imply that the small business is an ally of the community.

With the token the small business will be able to access our ecosystem of services regards web3 and blockchain.

More black leadership, more small business, more demand for our token.

The token will be burned at the rate of 0.01 for each transaction, so we’ll have a tool to prevent the inflation.

In the long-term the token will be used as a tool for governance (with a square function of proportion, intensity, timing and community).

What are our short-term goals - Our 1-year vision

Quarter 2 of 2022:

  • Set up our 3 governors and multisig wallet on Harmony (0x1E32233383eE2900cc8015E2dDa1e83a319b5533)
  • Set up our social presence on Twitter, Discord, Telegram, Instagram, Facebook, and Reddit.
  • Launch $BLK HRC-20 social token to help fund our DAO and support local communities.
  • Airdrop $BLK to local Black businesses in Rio de Janeiro so they can start to spread the token in their communities
  • Launch the BlackLeaders NFT collection to educate the world about local leaders and as a source of income to those leader’s communities.
    • Each NFT will feature the profile of a local leaders who are change-makers in their communities doing amazing social work. The metadata of the NFT will have information related to the story of that individual, so that they will be immortalized in history and cannot be erased.

Quarter 3 of 2022:

  • Build two structures of income for sustainability that can be adapted to different backgrounds and provide financial autonomy to projects aimed at empowering black people.
  • Partner with other institutions to provide education about NFT and increase the awareness of poor communities to web3 and blockchain.
  • Partner with other institutions (in Latin America) to provide consultant work towards the tokenization process for small business.

Quarter 4 of 2022:

  • Bring 100 Black leaders from LATAM into our DAO
  • Partner with 50 projects from LATAM that empower Black people

What are our long-term goals - Our 5-year vision

  • Onboard 10,000 Black people into web3 worldwide (Divided into Discord groups, telegram groups, etc.)
  • Sponsor 300 people to attend conferences/events around the world
  • Organize 1000 local community events like technical workshops and hands-on learning
  • Build 10 models for passive income for projects with positive social and environmental impact
  • Build 1 model for providing universal basic income (UBI) to underserved communities for the supply of primary goods.
  • Set up Black Leaders DAO physical workspaces and hubs in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, New York, USA, and Mombasa, Kenya.

What is the model of our social program?

  1. Research and contact the people that are leading the efforts to educate empower the population in the local community.
  2. Record the description of the challenges with those local leaders.
  3. Hear from the community about what their priorities are and ideas for solutions are.
  4. Build an MVP for our social program that will provide the education, engagement, and long-term funding for the solutions.
  5. Create the criteria to evaluate the outcome and to produce models so each new community will be able to advance more efficiently than the last one.
  6. Replicate this social program globally.

How will we apply this model to our pilot program in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil?

Marcia’s community is called Cantagalo is a local favela here. They need educational opportunities and knowledge of career options. To learn English to connect with the global community. There is a rich part of the favela and a poor part. There are many families in the poor part that do not have access to internet. The main issue is infrastructure and getting connected to the internet. Two small companies that offer internet. Open sky museum in the favela. Museu do Favela. She will need teachers and money to pay for the tables, chairs, etc. The latest project they launched is Warrior Women - interviewing women in the community and the problems they have as they raise their children. We want to immortalize the stories of these women as NFTs. Through the Black Leaders NFT collection, we will start writing our own Black history.

Who are our key contributors and potential collaborators?

DAO Alliance

  • Blu3 DAO
  • Vegan Africa DAO
  • OneAfrica DAO
  • Crypto Mujeres DAO
  • MinorityProgrammers DAO
  • Golden DAO
  • Blockchain Press Club DAO
  • Observatorio Latino Americano de Blockchain DAO
  • Blockchain Press Club DAO
  • Mempodera DAO
  • Kreadiv DAO

Key Contributors

Aline Silva is from Sao Paulo but lives in Rio de Janeiro. She is a social entrepreneur with a project aimed at empowering young girls to fight and learn English. She is also an Olympic athlete. She works in anti-racism and is great at business development and engaging local communities in Brazil.

Sunny Satva is a social investor and founder of the Vegan Africa Fund based in Mombasa, Kenya. Sunny has directed teams in social advocacy for universal basic income and environmental reform. They have also published two vegan cookbooks. Sunny is passionate about bringing more people into the Web3 space to increase equity and wealth in underserved communities.

Marcia Silva, a local leader in Pavão, Pavãozinho & Cantagalo, Co-founder of Museu de Favela, Engineer and Museologist. Also a story teller and mother of some pets.

William Caldeira, a photojournalist located in Jardim Marilândia, Vila Velha - ES, publicist and designer with experience in communications and documentary filmaking.

Marcelo Silva is a Brazilian researcher (PhD) with a focus on institutional analysis and institutional design. His current research aims to build a model for liquidity pools that will fund initiatives with a positive impact in society and in the environment. He will contribute to BlackLeadersDAO by building the liquidity systems for the MVPs in each community.

Fausto Vanin, blockchain entrepreneur and activist for 5 years. Have a strong experience in financial industry, innovation and social impact. Holds a certificate in Strategy and Innovation from the MIT Sloan School of Management and is obtaining a PhD degree in the use of blockchain in Healthcare. Co-founder of One Percent.

Henrique Porto, researcher on social memory, museologist, part of the group Museu para Todos, coordinator of the research project Nosso Sagrado and urban ciclyst.

Elizabete english teacher at a project for poor children from the Favela of Rocinha, also translator in the Museu de Favela. Lives in Pavão Pavãozinho Cantagalo and has a college Professora de inglês online e professora de um projeto de inglês para crianças na Rocinha e tradutora consecutiva na visitação do Museu de Favela, moradora Pavão Pavãozinho, Cantagalo, Formada em Turismo.

Luíza Calixto, is a museologist, with a masters degree in communications. A front end developer and resident of Lapa, Rio de Janeiro. addicted to plan roadtrips and playlists.

Proposal ask

$10,000 for Harmony Project Y at ETHRio

Metrics for success

What are the Metrics for Success?

  1. The number of active members in BlackLeadersDAO (Discord, Telegram)
  2. The number of passive followers across social platforms (Twitter, Instagram)
  3. The number of organizations and businesses that utilize us partners
  4. The number and rate of return from the monetary structures for financial sustainability that we build or manage
  5. The number of social programs that we launch and maintain

What are our metric-based goals over the next month?

  • 200 members in our Telegram group
  • 100 members in our Discord
  • 500 Twitter followers
  • 100 Instagram followers
  • 3 black owned business partners accepting $BLK social tokens, dispersing $BLK to 25 wallets, launching 50 NFTs from 3 black Brazilian artists

External links

Instagram: Login • Instagram
Telegram: Telegram: Contact @blackleadersdao
Discord: BlackLeadersDAO


Lets gooo!!! :heart_eyes_cat: :heart_eyes_cat: :heart_eyes_cat: :heart_eyes_cat: :heart_eyes_cat: :heart_eyes_cat: :heart_eyes_cat: :heart_eyes_cat: :heart_eyes_cat: :heart_eyes_cat: :heart_eyes_cat: :heart_eyes_cat:


This team is insanely good! :exploding_head: Such great impact and amazing vision. This is just the beginning :rocket:


Such a solid proposal! I’m looking forward to being a part of the journey!


Let’s go! We need empower black people✊🏾


It’s a Yes for me under the Project Y , ETH rio @Mattyontap @littlemoneyboss


Black Leaders DAO is going to change the world. So grateful to get to collaborate with you all :fire:


Strong YES from me as well. Powerful team. Powerful mission. Radical social change for black communities around the world!


I might be wrong, but what is the benefit of this to Harmony? Or maybe a better question, why does this even need blockchain?

Like, you are talking about using web3 and defi to reduce costs. But dont talk about how to do that, nor do your grant goals show how to do it. They don’t even show anything that is really related to blockchain except for maybe the nft platform. Weirdly, that is not your main cost. It is even less than creating the NFT’s, while that is the easy part.

Also, tokenomics don’t look good at all. If you airdrop the tokens to support business, everyone will sell to get some money right? Where does that money come from?

Also don’t understand why you need 1000$ for blockchain management and fees.

But there seems to be hype and promo, something harmony likes. Also big words and plans for the future. Even, if they don’t really matter for blockchain. If you pull this off, then very nice! But i have my doubts.

So, TLDR; Congrats on your grant! This is the exact type of things Harmony likes to fund!


Go Black Leaders DAO :fist:

If you don’t think that increase diversity and accessibility of the web3 environment is blockchain related maybe, just maybe, you has a wrong idea about what Blockchain stands for. You should listen to Vitalik and Hoskinson …or Jose Couto.

A tip: is not about code or tech, is about liberating people and communities. It’s not people serving tech, it’s about tech serving people.

I’m really sad that your favorite project didn’t get the funding, even if you asked for money for a project that was already done, I’m sure that your intentions were good.

About your doubts:
Do you know the financial and institutional cost of management for an international organization that will help people from poor backgrounds around the globe?

Do you know how many lawyers, managers and accountants you need to operate between two countries? Imagine it for 100 countries.

If you have a clue about the numbers involved, you can figure out why Blockchain is relevant for the project, and if you understand what blockchain stands for, you’ll eventually figure it out why the project is relevant to blockchain.

You can just read it again and again until you realize that it is a proposal, a logic, not the whole thing (there is a limit of words that you may use on a proposal).

If you think that the small business who helped the black leadership in poor communities will actually sell the token, instead of using it to access our ecosystem of services (consultant) and profiting from it,…you’re far ahead in time. Because if someone is selling and profiting from it, it implies that someone is buying. It means more transactions, more business within Harmony, more business in blockchain in general. So…thanks, but it will take a time to reach this point.

Thanks for your doubts ˆˆ

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This is an amazing team of strong leaders. Looking forward to the future of Black Leaders DAO and the positive impact you’ll have for the world. :blue_heart:

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Look, I am all for equity and giving everyone the chance to achieve their dreams. I just can’t figure out from the proposal post what exactly this project will be using blockchain for, nor does it define what web3 is in their opinion (which is kinda crucial as web3 is a very broad undefined topic). It is really just giving vibes like “we are going to increase awareness and help people, but we have not really thought it through yet.”

If you manage to pull this off, great, good for everyone involved. Would love to see less racism in the blockchain space. (Even some dao members on the payroll of harmony are racist from time to time. Ofc all behind the curtains, but with how often those rumors appear in different groups, I think it is pretty safe to assume they are legit.) And for the world in general it would also be amazing to reduce racism and increase blockchain usage. We don’t differ other than culture and some pigment anyways.


This sounds like a very empowering project. Representation is going to be so important in the web3 space!


Some updates from what we being doing since our launch as a DAO a month ago.
The summary:
Institutional collaborations: 14
Participation in events: 6
Twitter: 300 followers
Telegram: 100 members
Instagram: 119 followers

The details:

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Can anyone provide me on an update for this DAO proposal?
The community needs to easily be able to track what has/has not been approved.

Also, who is censoring the comments on here?
First, I have seen of this…Not a good look!

This would be a SOLID NO for me.

Take care!


There are a lot of spammers here, fake accounts created one day or week before posting something really abstract here.

About the update, I posted it yesterday, but was flagged (probably some organized attack).

The link:

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Surprisingly the one day accounts are all rooting for your umpteenth dao. Why do you keep censoring comments?


Please remain respectful and constructive. While we encourage discussion and constructive feedback, we require that it’s done in a respectful manner. Antagonistic behavior will result in a temporary ban from the forum. Thank you and we hope you understand.

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