Li.Finance - Check-in 3/3

> Team name

> Chosen hackathon track/s
Cross-Chain with Trustless Bridges

> What are we planning to do?
Li.Finance is an Any-to-Any Cross-Chain Swap. We allow users to transfer any coin from one chain to another. We would like to integrate the Harmony Bridge in that flow.

> What did you work on this week?
This week was great. We were able to get the full flow working. After working on testnet so far, we are now on mainnet too. It is now possible to transfer ETH and BNB from Ethereum Mainnet or Binance Smart Chain to Harmony Mainnet and swap the tokens there, to get the desired final tokens.

> What are you hoping to complete by next week?
There are some inefficiencies querying all the balances for a user we would like to fix.
And for sure we would

> Are you blocked by anything?
The SDK we use (GitHub - harmony-one/ethhmy-bridge.sdk: Horizon Bridge SDK) throws some strange errors when we try to transfer from ONE to BSC/ETH, we will need to dig into this.

> How can Harmony core team help?
Please test what we have built and provide feedback: LI.FI

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Want to see some more?

The process is pretty simple. The user select the swap he wants to make, e.g. 0.0001 BNB from Binance Smart Chain to ONE on Harmony. We the automatically check different routes he can take to make the swap happen. For example he could either swap BNB to ONE on the starting chain (BSC) or on the receiving chain (Harmony), or he can bridge another token if the swaps with this token lead to a better rate. The suggested routes are shown below the input form:

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After clicking “Swap” the user has to sign a few transactions and can follow the execution of his swap in this view:

Want to try it yourself?

Everything is working on Mainnet already, we have deployed it in our staging environment (Li.Finance). Please join the Beta Programm in our Discord: Li.Finance to leave some feedback.

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