[The 1st #decentralized reserve currency platform on Harmony, with a unique change - increase rebase time to 2 hours (instead of 8 hours of OHM and all other forks)]
[OneDAO Team]
Proposal ask
[$50,000 in ONE]
[$50,000 (product launch). We already deploy and reach $1,632,157 TVL. We would like to use this launch grant to convert $OHM $TIME $KLIMA $GYRO to Harmony]
Hi @lij and @Jacksteroo , our project reaches more investor join in. it grows every day with outstanding numbers. Can your team support us? And your support package will help us go further, reaching more investors to join your ecosystem.
For OHM forks, it’s not TVL that matters, it’s the Treasury Balance. We really like how you’ve grown the community and the TBal (doubled to $800K now).
Has the underlying fork been audited yet? And how can we help?
i was seen treasury balance and read your doc, i didnt see about treasury multisig, are you plan to implement a multisig in future? or i miss about that?
The treasury contract is a simple vault implementation holding all the funds collected by the protocol. If for instance a user purchases a DAI bond, the bonded DAI is fully taken in by the treasury in return of the market equivalent of OHM bonded for. New OHM will be minted based on the RFV of the treasury assets.
Hi @Jacksteroo , I’m interested in this project moving forward and wanted to provide additional information that may be helpful.
Some updates that I have noticed as a OneDian and Harmony Community Member:
OneDAO treasury just hit $2M within 3 weeks of its formation.
Discord community has organically grown to almost 2k within the same time frame.
Devs appear to be involved and have improved website interface for users on a regular basis.
Docs are being updated with more information and guides to help users navigate the interface, learn more about the protocol and provide transparency. (Disclaimer: I work on improving the docs with graphics, updated information and collaborate directly with the team to have changes approved).
Additionally, I wanted to see what the eligibility criteria is to receive funding from the available Ecosystem Fund. Could you share the eligibility criteria to receive funding?
Lastly, what steps do you recommend that OneDAO take to increase its chances to receive funding.
@eviltechwolf@kenzjdang we’d like to move forward with this project. Since this is an already launched project, we do grant for retroactively launched initiatives with the following ask
For any project, a DAO ensures community participation, product sustainability, and open governance. We recommend a 5-out-9 multisig account on Gnosis Safe with 3 governors from the project team, 3 governors from the project community, and 3 governors from Harmony DAOs – namely, ONEcommunityDAO, ONEdeveloperDAO, ONEincubatorDAO
For projects already live on Harmony Mainnet, Harmony’s Launch Grant can boost tractions with $50K retroactive funding: $10K forming a DAO like above, then four additional $10K grants each to double the key user metrics.
Key user metrics here refers to Treasury Balance here. We strongly suggest to have the DAO formed as soon as possible and an audit on the smart contract to help with gaining trust with the community.
I looked over your popular content. OneDAO launched Mainnet on 3rd Nov. So Can OneDAO get support package of $10k testnet and $10k after mainnet launch?
12 rebases, dedicated team and supportive community - this is something being built to last. Onedao is spreading fast and our treasury went from 100k to 3.8M in a few weeks.
Thank you Harmony for being in contact for negotiations!
I have been using OneDAO for about a week now. Everything has been solid in my time with it. Developers seem to be actively updating it and trying to push for more exposure. I hope the developers and Harmony can come to an agreement and move what looks to be a great project even further.
For those unsure I’m kinda an OG and am up 7x on my initial (I’ve taking my investment and it is all house money) - and I didn’t get on a list or anything like that, I joined in 5 days after launch. Very happy with the progressive growth of the website, and discord members - the mods have kept it a friendly environment, let us ramble a bit and just have a good time taking about all our Lambos!
Just a point of clarification, would @kenzjdang 's inquiry regarding the $10k test net and $10k main net launches be part of this DOA formation application?
I’m under the impression that the requests noted by @kenzjdang post may need to be separate funding requests for the respective launches. Is this the case, and if so, would you recommend that we submit those respective applications to obtain funding?
I am asking in efforts to organize the requests and follow the correct submission guidelines. Looking forward to your response. Please let me know if you need any additional information.