Real Estate DAO token - deflationary, charitable

Name of Project / DAO / Company


Application type


Proposal overview

[My idea is to create a DAO token that buys land NFTs in the different Metaverses’ and rent them to other events and businesses that are entering the Metaverse. With the cash flow, I’d like to use half to burn tokens to a certain supply and once reached turn these funds into charitable donations, quarterly, and have the holders vote from 4 choice charities to donate. The other half would be to buy new land NFTs and repeat the process. This would make it a hyper-deflationary token, with the potential for reflections as well.]

What stage of the product or idea are you (and your team) at?
Ready to start the token, haven’t created yet.

Is it live on Harmony and/or another chain?
Not as of yet, been deciding which chain to adopt.

How many active users do you currently have, or aim to acquire?

How much funding do you need?
$25,000 for first land NFTs, marketing, security etc.

What are your milestones?
10-25-50-100 Land Purchases, 10-25-50-100 “Tenants” 10,000-25,000-50,000-100,000 holders, quarterly burns, first quarterly donation,

What help do you need, or what gaps are there in your team?


[Myself -]

Proposal ask



[I need this amount to be able to secure my computer to avoid hacking, purchase first NFT properties, marketing, start-up costs.]

Metrics for success

[10-25-50-100 land NFTs, 10-25-50-100 Tenants, Burn Mechanism, 10,25,50,100,000 holders plus]

External links
