Reimbursement Proposal [Horizon Incident]

Validator calls

1/ Harmony Validator Meetup #1

July 28, 2022, 11:00pm – July 29, 2022, 12:00am US Pacific Time

2/ Harmony Validator Meetup #2

Friday, July 29 · 11:00am – 12:00pm US Pacific Time

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Doesn’t sound bad on paper but coins need to be repegged. Without repegging we have no faith in future bridging

The more I read posts from our community and put Harmony’s past actions into perspective, the more clearly the problem appears: you Sir! Stephen TSE
Explorer, rpc, roadmap, grants, hacked bridge, management and more.
All these subjects have failed miserably and the person concerned has never been questioned.

If you have any dignity left, it’s time to make the right choices.
Sir, it is time for accountability.


I think this is one of the best idea I’ve seen. IMO Harmony needs someone with finance to design this.

One question though, so after all the toxic assets has been bought out, the bridge returns normal with normally issued assets alongside with bonded assets correct?

Second question, are the bonds paid in the same token (USDC paid in USDC) or ONE?


You are welcome to your opinion, I do not share it! The re-peg is NOT going to happen without a significant influx of new capital. Looks like your opinion on Lawyers is somewhat TAINTED. I am actually an Economist, studied and lectured and the number one death of all businesses is … NO FRIGGING CASH FLOW.

Investors come and go, developers come and go. ONE will survive, it might not be easy and its going to upset a lot of people short to medium term but the ONLY way forward is to grow the eco system ( or what’s left of it) and grow the value of the ONE token. Now I am not saying don’t replace the current leaders, a complete change of those at the top is probably necessary after this debacle. It should NOT have happened but it did. So everybody needs to pull together and move forward with one goal, long term growth of the ONE coin token value.

It will be interesting to see what new proposals are put forward. ONE will not die, new investors and developers will come along - they are like buses - they always do but I simply DO NOT see a re-peg as a viable option without significant influx of new capital. It needs to be NEW Capital - and the only way to solve this is long term growth of the ONE coin token itself.

From what we know, Harmony currently has two-year runway with capital in treasury.

A re-peg and the support for Defi is the war harmony has the win. Harmony has been losing battles and the defi tenant must be re established.

How: So harmony has to get smart and they need a smooth financial leader to come in and look at where they can save money. 1.) head count- fire the incompetent operations manager first, obviously keep core development team, next fire all non-revenue generating employees.2.) Reduce costs operations. This includes server costs and we’ve all heard some amazing proposal from the community to reduce server cost. This also includes rental costs associated with building. Get rid of it.

Then harmony foundation needs to put out a buyback of all bridge assets and burn schedule.

Remaining bridged assets (held by community) get turned into bonds. BOne, mature in three years. They pay a high interest rate (from harmony’s bucket) that is compounded similar to Tranquils Stone. (They can be freely traded, Collateralized or redeemed back to Harmony had a significant discount.)

The Maturity of the bond is paid out in one tokens or given a additional staking benefit at maturity (gOne) governance one token.


A good plan engages the market in a smart way. This is a new product. Its innovation and if the product is an innovation and has value to the crypto sector then the marker will work with the product and create momentum to get you the solution you need and alot quicker i might add.

But only a smooth operator could drive this and communicate it clearly.

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i was ONEz blind by @stse, your soft spoken and hubleness on camera .

Results just show that you are a egoistic stubborn head . Whois not as open to great ideas and is a bad leader.

Why even get @lij to be your parrot and make the whole project worse? Come on ! did you think of the community who sold everything to buy ONE , because they trusted the facade you shown. You evil human .

Not to talk about the screw up that caused the hack , get the damn post mortem out ASAP

Here are some new ideas :

  • Use a portion of the staking rewards. We have here a good opportunity to boost the decentralization. We could take 10% of the rewards for validators below 50M, 20% between 50M and 100M and 30% above 100M.
  • If repeg is too complicated, maybe we could start fresh with new wrapped tokens like 2USDC, … But we have to refund people for their losses of course.

Let’s not resort to name calling and personal attacks. I am disgusted by some of the posts here. Tuck in your emotions and stick to the objective of the thread.

Keep them coming folks. We are all in this together.

Thank you for listening to the community :pray: :raised_hands:

It is awesome to see you reading and posting in the forum :partying_face:

There is so much love for you and your team here :blue_heart:

We will find the best way forward TOGETHER :couple::two_men_holding_hands::two_women_holding_hands:

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I hope you can understand that the community is also patient, do not constantly test the bottom line of the community people, to come up with sincere solutions to try to solve the problem is not to avoid the problem through any method, when you constantly put forward unsatisfactory solutions, the community people only more angry.

Choosing between using a steak knife or chainsaw .

The choice is determine by the user or the object?

If its a steak a chainsaw will no be neccesary

if its a tree the steak knife will not be helpful.

Patience and benefit of doubt have certainly be given way more than they should , Weeks past and the proposal that is chosen and presented , shows how much they value us .

Commit the team/investor ,unlocking tokens till the bridge is fully repeg .

Post mortem to be available before asking the community to vote . We cant vote blindly

Engage with tranq they are one of the best defi protocols in web3.

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Thank you for taking the time to read through all the posts!

Here’s an idea to engage the community and creatives:

Create an art campaign on ETH Blockchain.

Gas prices are cheaper and more accessible for creators. Onboarding via NFTs is the most popular way to engage the masses. Artist can make art as a plea to the larger community to save the chain. “Save the chain campaign”

Artists who bring in a substantial amount of ETH to repeg assets get an NFT which can be redeemed to be flown out to a dope spot with accomodations for the night and party with all the other creators and donors who helped with the campaign.

Buyers of art are also invited to the party but don’t get flown out and stuff.

Additionally, to incentivize this, Stephen/Li/Harmony foundation offer to match percentage of all earnings to restore peg. Oh snap. That could be a game changing announcement.

To get started as a show of good faith, BAYC bears will be sold to start restoration of peg.


An off the rail proposition for the harmony team about the “reimbursement” proposal. (not from me)


Dilution is never good, glad to hear you’re considering other alternatives and listening to the community. Listening to those who have and continue to support your team, will be critical to your ongoing successes. I believe in the Harmony Team. Remain focused and transparent in your ongoing communications. Thanks!