Testnet and devnet hosting, automation and operations by Chainstack

Name of Project

Testnet and devnet hosting, automation and operations by Chainstack

Proposal overview

Testnet (think Rinkeby):

  • An unstable test environment for developers to run integration and load tests
  • Host 4 shards, with 12 validator nodes, 8 explorer nodes, 12 DNS nodes (3 in each shard)
  • Uptime SLA 95%

Devnet (think Ropsten):

  • A more stable developer environment, to develop on with less frequent upgrades
  • Host 2 shards, with 4 validator nodes, 2 explorer nodes and 4 DNS nodes
  • Uptime SLA 99.5%


  • A daily update with the latest code from main
  • A daily snapshot of the db that are available for the external testnet participants


  • Troubleshooting and fixing any consensus or node stuck issues
  • Gathering logs and doing changes
  • Updating the config files to accommodate new features


  • Faucets

Proposal ask

Testnet and devnet automation and operations x 1 year: $150,000
Testnet infrastructure (32 nodes) x 1 year: $192,000
Devnet infrastructure (10 nodes) x 1 year: $60,000

Metrics for success

Devnet and testnet are operated by Chainstack according to the requirements

External links

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Thanks for the proposal. We need maintenance of explorer including the db, RPac endpoints, and Faucet on both networks.

I am also thinking to start both network from scratch to minimize the operation transition and cost.

Thank you for submitting a proposal to Harmony’s $300M Ecosystem Fund. Allow me to be your representative on behalf of the Grants committee. We are in the process of reviewing your proposal.


  1. Will Chainstack be also hosting a faucet and explorer on both the testnet and devnet?
  2. If not the UX/UI for the explorer, how about running the indexer for the backend dataset (we can reuse the mainnet explorer code)

Hey @leo @Jacksteroo :wave:

Thank you for your comments and questions.

We’re happy to include testnet/devnet faucets as part of this project. We’d prefer to keep explorer related initiatives separate from this project and focus on the node/network infrastructure here.

Approved for a Partnership for the amount total above ($402K)

Meanwhile, to prepare receiving funds, email your identification documents to kyc@harmony.one and create a Gnosis Safe MultiSig wallet at https://multisig.harmony.one and using instructions below
:arrow_right: Setup Gnosis Safe with MetaMask & 1Wallet

Checkout the Funding FAQ for further info at Harmony Funding FAQ. We look forward to working with the Chainstack team to build out automation, solve operational issues, and build out the faucets

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Congrats Chainstack!