Upcoming non backward compatible change on public RPC Aug 9 2021

Hello Dev

We are planning an upcoming update impacting our explorer node and how the RPC API will behave:

  1. hmy_getBlocks/hmyv2_getBlocks/eth_getBlocks: Limit the size of block query to 1024.
  2. hmy_getLogs/hmyv2_getLogs/eth_getLogs: Limit the size of block query to 1024.

Since the changes are not backward-compatible, please check the usage of these APIs and update your code as necessary to avoid any service interruption.

We are planning to deploy the new version to our public API providers on Aug 9th 2021.

Please let us know if you have any queries or questions regarding the change,

Thanks for your support!

Why this API change?

Without the block number limitation, one can call these methods querying blocks from genesis to the latest, which will add extra heavy burden to the service provider. From our investigation to the RPC service degradation, this can be one of the major contributor to the issue. With the API change, this kind of usage is mitigated and will no longer cause service degradation.


More information on the ks library used : RPC API update · Issue #3836 · harmony-one/harmony · GitHub