Use golang sign transaction

does anyone provide an example of golang using private key strings to sign one transactions and HRC20 transactions? Thanks

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You can check out the go sdk here.

package main

import (



var (
	nanoAsDec = numeric.NewDec(denominations.Nano)
	oneAsDec  = numeric.NewDec(denominations.One)

func main() {
	node := ""
	address := "one1zvtdhx0yx2uyx8ps363tx4xmn59n2twjp7dkj3"
	balanceRPCReply, err := rpc.Request(rpc.Method.GetBalance, node, []interface{}{address, "latest"})
	if err != nil {
	//nodeRPCReply, err := rpc.Request(rpc.Method.GetShardID, node, []interface{}{})
	//if err != nil {
	//	panic(err)
	balance, _ := balanceRPCReply["result"].(string)
	bln := common.NewDecFromHex(balance)
	bln = bln.Quo(oneAsDec)