Validator DAO Council Candidate: Maffaz.One


I would like to nominate myself for the validator council.

I have been active in the harmony community for a while now and I hope to further the goals and aspirations of Harmony One by being a part of the DAO council.

I am an experienced senior developer and systems administrator ,currently working as a lead consultant, guiding multiple teams to produce the highest quality software on a daily basis.

I believe that I can offer a level-headed approach to the future of harmony one and greatly assist in the analysis, solutioning and deployment of new requirements for validators and delegators

Decentralisation is the most important thing to me and anything that can further this goal I will work tirelessly to achieve.

I want everyone who wants to be a validator to have that opportunity.

I want every delegator to be able to stake even if that amount is deemed ‘to low’ right now.

I want Harmony one to change the world by by genuinely being the consensus for 10 billion and not excluding any human being from being a part of it.

I will never lose track of that sentiment and I want to be in a position to make sure it happens.

Onwards and Upwards, Onwards and Forwards.


I second the nomination.

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