🚨 Validator Votes Outstanding

:rotating_light: Please Vote on these HIP Proposals​:rotating_light:

We are still lacking participation for the following HIP proposal.

If you are a validator and your name is on this list - Please VOTE!

If you are staking with a validator and their name is on this list - Please Encourage them to VOTE!

Participation in voting is crucial to the dencentralisation of the protocol so please use your voice!

HIP-25 - Validator DAO Bootstrap Initiative
:spiral_calendar: End: February 06, 2022 / 5pm UTC
:ballot_box:Vote: Snapshot
:writing_hand:Talk: HIP-25 - Validator DAO Bootstrap Initiative

HIP-16: Enforce a 6% max keys per shard limit for each validator
:spiral_calendar: End: February 01, 2022 / 3pm UTC
:ballot_box:Vote: Snapshot
:writing_hand:Talk: HIP-16: Enforce a 6.4% max key per shard limit for each validator

Vote to retroactively fund VDAO1
:spiral_calendar: End: February 31, 2022 / 6pm UTC
:ballot_box:Vote: Snapshot


Bump this… we still need more validators to vote!!