XFOX token from Foxswap.one worthless?

Foxswap.one site is inactive and the domain is no longer owned.
farmersonly.fi is still up.

Is there any way to move convert xfox token to one? I can’t find liquidity anywhere.

Glad to see the scammers reply so quickly!!!

Still hoping for a legit reply.

Please remove the scammers.

Hi mate,

Swapping the old FOX tokens is possible using: https://app.swoop.exchange/

however, xFOX still has to be unwrapped from the original contract.

Some more links:

Application link: https://app.farmersonly.fi/

xFOX: 0x02f667745A77C376Db5b232846D4b2454e533699

Front-end seems to be not working, let me know if you require more assistance, we will try to build some front-end for it in the coming weeks.

Cheers from Utilitydao.one