ZKmaps - Protecting user's location privacy with ZK proofs


Protecting user’s location privacy with ZK proofs.

Proposal overview

ZKmaps enables users to prove their location within a bounding area, GEOfencing, without disclosing their exact location using ZK snarks.

This project was developed during ETHDenver 2022 and won along with 30 finalists, and received the 4th place in funding the Quadratic founding voting of the community.
The project is live on harmony testnet , polygon testnet, and ethereum mainnet

current stage

Currently as a proof of concept the project verifies that the user is within the ETHDenver conference without disclosing their location. The client generates a zk-snark proof and calls the verifying contract with that proof payload which keeps their location private.

We are building a “proof-of-location-protocol” which will enable programatic verification of location for many potential use case, from POAP and minting utility NFTs for a proof of attendance, verification of location by state or city for tax or legal purposes, user’s proximity matching for dating or matching apps, NFT rewards minting in treasure hunt games, and many more creative uses
Moreover, even beyond location, we believe in facilitating the convention of protecting the user’s data by generating ZK proofs on the client and verifying it using smart contracts. and dedicate to develop those tools.


Ron Erlih - Lead engineer at VHSlab - creators of ZED.RUN
part time lecturer at Columbia University school of computer science in NY.

Blake M. Scurr - Backend developer focussed on ZK proofs in Circom and Cairo.

Franco Petrazzini - Web3 dev focused on mobile Dapps.

Proposal ask


Metrics for success

  • live service for requesting constraints and auto-generating verifier contracts.
  • POC live deployment fixes
  • Implementing different levels of location trust - anti spoofing - using the FOAM (transaction over radio signals with trusted zones), Helium (Wifi location verification), and different tiers of trust based on need
  • documentation and tools
  • shipping a suit for client proof generation and contracts auto generation based on constraints.
  • onboarding ETHglobal conferences and other early adopters

External links


Let’s go zkMaps! Really excited to be part of this project and develop this further!

Working on location + web3 is still so underrated!

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Hi, this is Harvey from Pluto Capital@Singapore. I’m interested in your project. Could you send me ur email to harvey.c@plutocap.io. Thx!