this is just an update that our online course on building products with zero-knowledge proof tech has been going really well, since we started this right before xmas (12/23/2021). over 200 people applied, and we formally enrolled about 30 of them to keep a smaller group for live classes, and for eligibility of the prizes. we have invited a distinguished group of industry experts and academics for guest lectures, and these classes tend to each attract hundreds of views on our harmony youtube channel. students are making good progress by completing assignments, which will attract various cash prizes. the next challenge is to see to it that most enrolled students will be able to actual launch a product on mainnet in February
we hope to continue with this #learn2earn model, and admit a second cohort of students to start in late Feb / early March. for this next round we plan to place more emphasis on infrastructure building - rollups, bridges, stateless consensus models, etc
for details and updates, please check out zku.ONE