1Wallet creation #ONEquest

Completed #ONEquest all the steps(<20sec Transaction time) in ~3 min to complete the all the process.
from step 1 to 4 it hardly took 3 min from creating a wallet, sending One, Buying NFT from daVInci and sending to the 1wallet. Each Transaction is completed within seconds.


Bought NFT from daVinci and sent to 1wallet.

Bought CrazyOne domain.

Added liquidity position at SushiSwap

Completed the #ONEquest on 21/01/22 at 23:37 IST

It looks like you did not complete all steps in this quest. One step that is missing is posting a tweet on twitter about the process with your time and wallet, if you did this step on this day please send a screenshot here.

I Posted the tweet about creation of 1Wallet immediately after completing the processes.
Please checked the link or screenshot below for conformation

Thank you for sending this over. You have successfully completed the #ONEquest and the funds have been sent to your wallet. Please continue to use your 1Wallet and build Dapps on Harmony!

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Got the $ONE into 1wallet.
Thanks a lot sir !!