Astra Invictus - to the stars!

Hello Harmony Community!

We’re building Astra Invictus, an NFT trading card game based on the stars and constellations that surround our planet. Not a random/generative NFT project, our star-cards are each hand-crafted with designs that reflect the temperature and visual magnitude (VM) of the actual stars. We currently have over 400 stars in our database as well as the moon and the six visible planets. These stars can be collected to form any of the 88 constellations that are recognized by the IAU, plus the Pleiades!

The rarity of our stars will be determined by their brightness as viewed from earth. In other words, bright stars with a low VM like Rigel, Polaris, or Vega, will be harder to acquire than dim stars with a higher VM such as Revati, Chara, or Alya. The diameter of the stars as they appear on their star-cards will also be determined precisely by their VM, ranging from Sirius the largest (brightest) to little Asterope from the Pleiades being the tiniest.

Most people view the stars as little more than white points of light in the night sky, but the stars are actually incredibly diverse! There are seven main classes of stars that roughly correspond to their age and temperature. Class O and class B stars are the youngest and hottest and appear blue if viewed through a telescope. As they age they become cooler and turn white as in A and F class stars, before turning yellow (G), orange (K) and then red (M), with M-class stars being the coolest and oldest before exploding or fizzling and dimming out.

In addition to the actual science of the stars for size, brightness, color and class, the art for each star will include emoji-like personalizing features as well as visual references to each star’s history and/or mythology. Our stars also carry subtle “tribal” effects that will indicate the constellation that they are part of, to help motivate collectors to build up and complete their constellation-collections!

Astra Invictus will be an NFT collection like none other, bringing together the digital and the natural worlds using the heavens above us as our playground! My wife and I provide the visionary direction for the project, we have an amazing artist currently creating each star-card one-by-one, and we also have an advisor with a Harmony background who has tentatively agreed to act as a CTO/advisor for the dev/tech side of the project. However, we are searching for people who are passionate about the stars who would be willing to team up with us for things such as development and writing code, website design, marketing, community management, and any other need that might come up.

We are choosing Harmony because we truly love the vision and values of the network! I’ve been an investor in $ONE from early days and I’ve come to know and love many in the Twitter-community including validators such as @frwrdslosh, @CryptoOneBabe, and @Harmonious_Dude; creators like @buythefndip, @ZURCHERArts, and @missfreyala; as well as community organizers and promoters such as @GlobeyNFT, @sirsapient, @PacoG2021, and @ChaoticBeautys. Together we are building an amazing world-changing community and we want Astra Invictus to be part of it. Our plan for a limited-edition NFT drop is just the beginning!


This sounds like a fantastic project! Really fun and innovative.

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