Climate DAO

Name of DAO

[climate DAO]

Proposal overview

[Climate change is the ultimate challenge of our times.
Our civilisation is finished.

We need solutions for a Deep Adaptation.

The climate DAO will implement these solutions to :

  • Develop permaculture and agroforestry
  • Decrease meat consumption
  • Increase local food
  • Produce more renewable energy
  • Save energy
  • Propose a better spirituality
  • Give the power to people
  • Regenerate our economy]

Proposal ask

[$ 1 million]

Metrics for success

[Saved tons of CO2]

External links


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Thanks for your application.

We admire what you’re doing, but it’s not a good fit for Harmony - we are primarily interested in projects that will benefit the Harmony ecosystem and its users. Thanks for applying and best of luck with your venture.

closing this topic for now.