Creative DAO Elections Q2 - Candidacy is now open for Creative DAO governors Q2 2022

thus it’s good to pose a challenge not to hurt but to point out loophole that deserves to be reflected…in any way, right is right and other Way round.
For spending time to achieve all what was achieved so far, we acknowledge and say good for the effort. For pointing areas that needs improvement or untapped, it’s a clue to the next term governors to effect and improve. I have passion to contribute to this so far, my candidacy will be onboard to showcase my interest in giving my best to harmony. That’s the beauty of decentralized space, able to freely express your self and be considered if what raised is of value addition or betterment of the condition. Thanks to you all for the input in this discussion, it is Insightful and clear demonstration that Harmony is at heart … :blush:

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Hello adamlawalbkr1,

I like ur reflections a lot. There’s a sense of maturity and sensitivity in them and i hope to see you running for election.

Gl with the election, inshallah!

(a community shouldn’t be led by only smart but also wise and sensitives ones.)


Thanks bagelhole for your kind words,
My kind regards

Hey Adam, this is great stuff, really glad to see you are running, these groups exist on the discord and are ready to be opened shortly, we’re trying to align them with roles to be assigned for different types of creators, we have also had conversations regarding having the Creative DAO being a hub whilst connecting creators with projects ect outside the DAO. This naturally will speed up growth within the ecosystem. This for sure needs to be expanded with the next term. Although the DAO has specific mandates, there are so many ways in which they can be achieved.

We have a database of creators already, this is great for when there are specific bounties but I think it’s important for work to be available and transparent even if creators didn’t get on the list and signup already, we have been looking at some interesting DAO tooling which will help the process be more decentralised and allow opportunities for contributors to be found easier when ready.

You already have my vote with what you have said so far.

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Thanks bricktop_One for the kind words, and further insight.
Glad you are such Insightful as well. Thanks

Very excited for this election! There is so much potential for this DAO!


Are you going to run Loge?

Awesome to see this thrilling hope, we are ONE loge, look forward to your continuous contributions

Hey Bricktop, I see now that the real convos take place on here, not Twitter!
My bad I’m still learning the ropes here

I was also going to ask if you guys had any need for someone to make graphics like charts and advertisements for upcoming events? I always like a good opportunity to sharpen my digital art skills, especially if it benefits Harmony in some way

I was also never given access to that Harmony.One/branding cloud drive. Somebody behind a hidden curtain has to grant permission to each user who applies for it, or maybe its protected IP? Just let me know if I can help out, I’ll be around!

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Hello mate, here in harmony we are ONE, each and every contribution is valued and welcomed, just to ask, have you filled the contributor form for ONEcreativeDAO?

Those are giving negative feedback – you’re seemingly doing it because you dislike the leaders of Creative DAO.

Why not just try to add positive content for Creative DAO as a contributor? If you succeed, I’ll vote for you if you run for the next DAO Governor election.