The six month Term for the Community Governors’ Term is ending soon. Get your candidacy in!
The Harmony Community DAO are tasked with the goals of representing, expanding and strengthening the Harmony community.
The Harmony Community DAO mandates are as follows. These mandates serve as the ultimate role for the Harmony Community DAO:
Growth : board users on missions and culture, pollinate values across communities
Engagement : Amplify content of roadmap and milestones, creative campaigns of products
Diversity : Solicit voices and votes in forums, reinforce strong governance participation
As a Governor for the Harmony Community DAO, you will work on deliverables for the DAO and be expected to provide them in a timely fashion. The Harmony Community DAO is a flat organization with no internal hierarchy, all Governors should be self-starting contributors who can work autonomously without supervision. You will encourage member participation in the DAO and always look to the community for consensus.
We encourage all who are interested to submit their candidacy for an elected position as a Governor of the Community DAO. The dates regarding the election process are as follows:
Harmony Community Governors will serve a 3 Months term from Saturday, April 2nd, 2022 until Saturday, July 02, 2022
With the approval of HCIP-04, the election is governed by a set of rules that must be adhered to by the DAO itself, as well as aspiring candidates. Please review the following rules before submitting your candidacy:
- All candidates will have equal exposure through the Community DAO, meaning all candidates will be given the same chance to participate in any questioning and/or promotion regarding the election at hand. No candidate shall receive special concessions or exclusions from the Community DAO itself. The only exception would be if a candidate refuses the opportunity to participate in any election related matter and is therefore not present.
- Potential candidates shall be required to answer a set of questions agreed upon by the existing council within their candidacy announcement post. These questions could provide insight to potential skills, experience, and availability as well as other potential traits deemed to be helpful for the DAO. The questions must be equitable and not favor any race, gender, nationality, or sexual orientation.
- An individual’s candidacy announcement post must be shown support by at least 5 community members in its comments in order for inclusion in the election. Current governors would be allowed to announce their support in such a post.
- A candidate CANNOT offer any incentive in exchange for a vote (i.e. Coins or NFTs, etc. to the wallets that cast a vote for that person).
- A candidate CANNOT offer any giveaways as part of any campaign related post (i.e. Coins or NFTs to be given away for likes and retweets of posts regarding campaign related material)
- A candidate being paid directly by the Harmony Core team as a regular contributor CAN fill a position on the CDAO.
- A candidate CANNOT spam Harmony Core DAO accounts as well as current council governors’ posts with unsolicited campaign posts. It would still be permissible for a candidate to comment with campaign material if the DAO or governors invite candidates to do so.
- A candidate CANNOT spam any posts of community members with unsolicited campaign promotions. It would still be permissible for a candidate to comment with campaign material if a community member invites candidates to do so.
- A candidate is limited to posting from their own personal account about their candidacy unless a post or medium specifically allows for it.
- Community DAO governors CAN campaign openly for their candidates of choice as long as it is done from their personal accounts and not any DAO accounts.
- Candidates and current council members CAN share negative opinions/accusations of other candidates, but the accuser IS REQUIRED to provide proof of the accusation.
- The worst violations, as voted on by the community, are categorized as a level 1 violation and are grounds for immediate removal from candidacy. Other less severe violations are categorized as a level 2 violation. For level 2 violations, the candidates will be given an opportunity to rectify their violation. Unwillingness to comply with two level 2 rules and requests to rectify the violation will result in removal from candidacy.
Level 1 Violations:
A candidate CANNOT provide any incentive for votes or spreading of campaign material. This has been decided by community vote as grounds for immediate removal from candidacy.
All other rules listed above are considered level 2 violations. The community poll concluded that two level 2 violations are grounds for removal.
Submit your Candidacy
Tuesday 1st March at 12am PST/8am UTC: Submit Your Candidacy — To submit your candidacy, go to Community - Harmony Community Forum and make a new topic with the title:
Community DAO Council Q2 2022 Candidate: XXXX as the subject line (replacing “XXXX” with your name, of course). Fill out any details you believe are important for the community to know about you in order to receive their vote and provide answers to the following questions:
- Are there obstacles you see in being able to commit up to 10 hours/week as a DAO governor? This amount of time is not a requirement, but an inability to commit time by some members has been an obstacle for the current DAO council in progressing objectives.
- What skills and/or abilities do you hope to bring that would be beneficial to the Community DAO?
- How long have you been in the Harmony community and why do you want to run for a position on the council?
- What timezone do you live in for the purposes of potentially scheduling a 2nd AMA?
NOTE: The pool for candidates CLOSE at 12:00am PST, Wednesday, March 16th (Midnight PST the Night Of The 15th). No candidates will be considered who enter AFTER that time. Wednesday, March, 16th at 12am PST/8am UTC: The Field is Closed — Once a candidate has submitted their candidacy to, they are free to campaign. Visit reddit, visit telegram, twitter or other social media channels.
The days between Wednesday, March 16th and Sunday, March 20th will be dedicated to conversations and communications about what the Harmony Community DAO means to you, what should and shouldn’t the Community DAO do and asking the members of the community to vote for you.
There will be a Twitter Space AMA on the Community DAO Twitter Channel on Friday, March 18th, at 11am PST/7pm UTC. The candidates will be able to respond to questions from questions from the community. We will seek questions from the community prior to the AMA. If necessary, there will be a 2nd AMA scheduled to accommodate candidates unable to attend the prescheduled AMA.
The election runs from Monday, March 21st 12am PST/8am UTC until Monday, March 28th 12am PST/8am UTC. At the end of which the new Governors will be elected into their positions. The vote will be held on Snapshot in the Community DAO Space.
Once the election closes on Monday, March 28th 12am PST/8am UTC we will know who our governors for the Community DAO will be. They will be integrated into all current communications systems and start the organizing process in accordance with the charter.
The new Governors will start their Term 3 on Saturday, April 2nd.