Creative DAO Funding Request

Hi @frwrdslosh

Please find further Information requested below.

Accounting Information requested.

  1. To whom the tx was made (alias is fine)
  2. How much it was
  3. Business purpose of the expense and supporting documentation.
  4. Treasury balance before expense
  5. Treasury balance after the expense.

To whom the tx was made (alias is fine) & How much it was:

Creative DAO transparency report was posted previously here: Harmony Creative DAO Governor Pay Transparancy Report

Approval for the retroactive payments was requested and approved here: Snapshot

Payment made for 28th November - to 12th of january

Total Paid Out Harmony Paid Transaction ID Total Dollar Value
Buythefndip 6182.327129 0xaf5d3908c7f2c7fde245577b096ecaaa1b3d84b0f6cfb9890ff06c925fb7cea2 $1,140
Cheeky Chris 2358.89435 0x551a1970e744d84d6dbedfb02bb9bc5bd13955ec1b6f4d31af6a813dccab10ba $481.25
Chris Stakeridoo 3702.82922 0xa197a21c8af0ccba16c2e55f4f66c0248727e2ae4b649541e47bbba50f065066 $687.50
HODLen 3634.091009 0xca9fe3ebd93251839b1e97f7e47528925af09fdd8d623c84b16ce679daa8b192 $722.50
Bricktop_One 22940.65199 0x9ee22b4bbcd80829ec12969bfb69d1bd6a3a11d17c87f7f3c8405b4ab3675a82 $4,970.00
Loechii 4475.91829 0x1ea414efef876ff77ab2720a3b757f0ac321d31fd74a2bfbf2b4b67a1c8d27f4 $917.50
Thehighindian 4979.976496 0xe757d530976b50c9d74b40f6e0fd2594dc2422cac7666201ad1207a60fc6c77f $981.25
Thenursegreg 14711.13691 0x6ea44cc66ba946ca575ee0c8df9b23c5d75f50e56158c5b6dac03bc287095925 $3,193.75
Globey NFT 0 N/A $0.00

Additional payments for Community DAO assistance with DAO set up as external governors, advised to be paid from the Creative DAO treasury here: Funding for Support of Creative DAO Launch

Total Paid Out Paid Transaction ID Total Dollar value
Kakashi 2090.625 0x37d31a53c2fb410ebfe22f8b8fd3e8b2c5bb5bbe3f252c269e856b55783d7929 481.25
Strongmindshold 551.47 0x912ff9421d99f498dd147765a642774fd2d545b19db74d9d9482f1ca7ea5364b 150
Ben Stakeridoo 1769.301 0xa54f569debb978ff8507777cd96a3a967d5d8bc684b81860d4f6e1ff9c75659a 568.65

Payment made for 13th January - to 31st of January

Governor Paid Transaction ID Total $ Harmony
Buythefndip 5,114.6283 0xd6145b612156f5e58c42a6272acdf9574ebe81c017bbec436574c85f7ae56c2c $921.25 5,114.6283
Cheeky Chris 3,355.4995 0x5745676eddf18d5decaeb0d2aac84c243a453bb2c81a7b0ac268cc0a597169b4 $606.25 3,355.4995
Chris Stakeridoo 1,798.6198 0xa48771e9308f9d1c6d500f5ad6acf04bb0ccf75d70670eac7edc0eb6fc87dffa $325.00 1,798.6198
HODLen 1,391.1069 0x7dbefd4765a9f78354fdd8fe9c4ae4b16b4ec989ffe72fbc1cd876f65a1cb0a9 $250.00 1,391.1069
Bricktop_One 6,593.2220 0xc4c39a677d9fa70efda9febcb258296546f76ddecd940d99188e19384a3d5491 $1,178.75 6,593.2220
Loechii 1,789.5389 0x462d4fa052308b33ca82bcf297dc185ce74071c2e5dea9b6665107f8f765c2e5 $317.50 1,789.5389
Thehighindian 9,453.7966 0x24FcB26a538Fc692B4eFE00FE5AEC7d5C5A00983 $2,025.00 9,453.7966
Thenursegreg 9,116.4801 0x36d13b0b24915259963ba91682eb259083af90f70711e468b39db371a254b63e $1,812.50 9,116.4801
Globey NFT 0.0000 N/A $0.00 0.0000

Business purpose of the expense and supporting documentation:

There has been no external expenses except from those mentioned for the setting up of the DAO.

Information for hours work Can be found in publicly shared docs which include clockify PDF’s for the mentioned dates for the team: Payroll to date - Google Drive

Treasury balance before expense & Treasury balance after the expense

The Dao received funding on the 18th of January for the approved 50K.

Payments were made to governors for the retroactive payments to the tune of $13,094 on the 18th of January leaving $36.906

On the 21st of January Community DAO governors were paid for their contributions as mentioned above and were paid in total $1199.90 for their work leaving $35,706.10.

On the 1st of February governors were paid for their work to the tune of $7436.25 leaving $28.269.85

Since then with changes in price action, this has left the Creative DAO treasure with 51,336.3964 Harmony, valued at the time of this post $7,665.50 which is a significant hit for the DAO Treasury. The retroactive payments and price action some of the main reasons why we submitted another funding request 26 days ago, 7 days after receiving funding.


It has been requested that we provide information for each metric prior to our previous voting proposal. I believe this is something we cannot provide.

For your understanding, I would ask you to take a look at the following excel document so you are aware of how much the funding delays had affected the DAO from the period from 28th of November to January 12th, Please scroll from the top of the sheet, and quiet clearly you can see the red highlighted sections of the sheet being more apparent showing governors giving up on work due to lack of support by the foundation as time went on:

With governors being uncertain if the DAO would be officially supported by the foundation and with the funding being delayed 52 days had reduced us from a team of highly motivated and eager governors, coming down to 2 governors clawing to keep the DAO active and operational. Instead of become more efficient and work being ramped up in various areas, it was a debilitating factor for the DAO.

This uncertainty is happening again and we are trying our best to keep the DAO motivated and to continue the work.

We have posted an array of work on this Talk.Harmony post since funding was in place and due to the situation we faced, we believe this should suffice.

Social Media Growth




19 days of February

How have we encouraged involvement with the Creative DAO

We have created a contributor form in which we have already have 69 creators that have signed up to the Dao: Contributor Registration Form

Along with having a community to call upon and notify regarding bounties, this is providing us with vital information about our creators and how they work as seen in some of the data below:

Along with internal contributors we have recently posted to Talk.Harmony and following approval to Snapshot regarding our 25k bounty program which are we are waiting to go live with once funded:

Creative DAO - Creative Bounty Program Snapshot

We have also created a form for social media contributors to amplify content of material when released:

Since being funded the Creative DAO has put out 2 proposals via snapshot which can be found here: Snapshot

The Harmony Creative DAOs community and internal contributors, external groups of creators and social media influencers are about to take part in what we believe will be the single largest marketing drive Harmony Protocol has expirienced to date, focussed on multiple social media outlets and different platforms and through an array of various forms of media through its bounty program. As soon as funding is received, further working groups will be formulated to ensure the bounty program is as effective as possible with its drive on what information is to be covered and effectiveness of the initial media blast regarding the bounties, we will be calling on a members of the core team to ensure we have the full backing of the foundation for extra exposure to ensure maximum effectiveness.