DAO Tooling - Community Discussion

Fully agree with this Ben, I have a meeting with the rest of the Creative DAO governors, then it looks like we will be speaking to our members and discussing this, we believe the elction will have to be redone.

Also, I’m fully with you that we have to push for tokenized voting. At first, i was against this, but now i see that not every Harmony holder, or every wallet should have a say, it should be the people that truly care about the DAOs, that get invoilved with the discussions, that attend the events, that try to participate, going the tokenized route we can also verify people to an extent to ensure people only get one vote.

Side note, the new snapshot is a nightmare, this vote getting messed up is partly my fault, but i really believe with us being pushed to the new snapshot, governors getting guides on setting up the ENS, and setting up Snapshot would have been useful.