Decentralize Harmony DAO Compute Workloads

Name of Project

Decentralize Harmony DAO Compute Workloads

Proposal overview

Hello, my name is Wes Floyd and I’d like to propose a grant to help further “decentralize” Harmony’s DAO community compute workloads. Specifically, I would like to help Harmony build a plan to migrate less sensitive compute workloads from centralized cloud infrastructure (e.g. AWS) to a decentralized crypto based alternative, such as Akash (built on Cosmos).

Grant goals:

Specific Plans:

  1. Work with DAO operations team to inventory less sensitive compute workloads that would be good candidates for migration to a decentralized service, e.g. documentation, discourse forums.
  2. Measure the value to Harmony of migrating the services in terms of monthly cost savings, reputational benefit, service uptime availability etc.
  3. Implement a proof of concept to move an initial small workload to a decentralized service

Justification for Grant

Why decentralize further?

  • Regulatory risk: KYC (Know Your Customer) and de-platforming risk of cloud services (e.g. AWS) due to ever changing crypto regulatory environment.

  • Financial risk: downtime (outages) caused by cloud providers prompting a shift (or backup planning) to decentralized providers.

  • Reputation risk: decentralized services and organizations cannot market themselves to users as “fully decentralized” if their core services rely on centralized IT.

  • Security: reliance on public cloud providers (AWS, Cloudflare) entail outage and hacking liability. While any system is exposed to outage and hacking risk, reliance on centralized cloud providers is a very different mode than decentralized providers in regards to transparency and censorship resistance.

Note: as of today, the only viable decentralized compute services are Akash and Flux. If Harmony has concerns about deploying to these non-Harmony based solutions then your feedback alone will help justify whether there is enough demand for me to build a more Harmony native (Akash bridge) solution in the future.

Proposal ask

Inventory plan: 8 hrs
Migration plan: 16 hrs
Proof of Concept: 16 hrs
Rate: $125/hr

Total: $5,000 USD (or equivalent in any cryptocurrency/token)

*In addition to the hourly rate, I would like to request to use Harmony DAO members as professional references if they are highly satisfied with the work performed.

Metrics for success

Inventory of current centralized compute workloads to include the following for each:

  • Cost per month (USD).
  • Deplatform/Outage Risk (high/medium/low) to Harmony if the workload were to be deplatformed or experience an outage.
  • Security Exposure Risk (high/medium/low) of the workload.

Migration plan to a decentralized compute cloud for each workload including:

  • Effort (hrs) require to migrate each workload.
  • Specific steps required to migrate the workload or to make it available as an active standby on the decentralized cloud offering, such as: active data backups, DNS forwarding, load balancing, and credential management.

Proof of Concept:

  • Migrate 1 low risk workload to a decentralized cloud provider to validate the migration plan.
  • Deliver a custom runbook with all steps required for Harmony to launch the workload.

External links

Full proposal details

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Discord: checkyourself#6104


Familiar with Akash. We may not have as much cloud infra that are less-sensitive. Happy to work with you in some capacity, may not necessarily be on this particular coverage.

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@wesfloyd thanks for running this analysis:

… checking with the Akash team I’m learning the current max resources technically available for a deployment is: 10 CPUs, 16 GB memory, 1 TB storage

Based on your initial analysis, we will keep this in mind, and we currently don’t have low priority compute workload that can be decentralized at this point.

I do strongly encourage that for anyone that’s reading this and have a backend service that wishes to be offloaded as a decentralized workload to reach out to Wes about this. Amazing concept. :muscle:

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